From: Stephen Quinn on

> misconstrued (which server does it refer to?)

>> EntryNum is the key of the parent oView server, and is also a key
>> field in the child ogHold records.

>> ogHold:seek( _FIELD->EntryNum, true )

The seek is on ogHold server so that's where the _FIELD will be referenced.

> and you're mixing dbserver and clipper syntax.

I didn't see any Clipper syntax in the code shown.


From: BillT on

'Isn't working' meant that the filter isn't filtering i.e. all records
are being shown!

I have been trying your suggestion of SetSelectiveRelation without
self:oEntryDS:setSelectiveRelation( self:oKeyWordDS,
"entrynum" )
where I have already correctly filtered oKeyWordDS to only those
records containing an inputted Keyword;
each oKeyWordDS record has a pointer (entrynum) to the corresponding
record in oEntryDS, so effectively just a 1-1 relationship.
I only get one record in the oEntryDS browser!

I follow the SetSelectiveRelation with a straightforward refresh of
the VO Browser; maybe I need some intermediate step?

Thanks for your interest,
From: BillT on
Have thought about this and now believe that the SetFilter option is
In summary, the VO Browser initially displays all the records from
oEntryDS, but I want to change to display in the VO Browser only those
oEntryDS records that match on KeyNum with records in oKeywordDS.

I have tried many options for the filter, using text expressions and
codeblocks, without success.
Variations include:-
>> self:oEntryDS:setFilter( "self:GetMatchedKeyword() " ) where GetMatchedKeyword is a Method that Seeks in oKeyWordDS for the EntryNum from oEntryDS - but it currently isn't getting called!
>> self:oEntryDS:setFilter( { |oWin| oWin:GetMatchedKeyword( ) } )
>> self:oEntryDS:setFilter({ |ogHold| ogHold:seek( _FIELD->entrynum, true ) } where ogHold := self:oKeyWordDS

Can anybody please help me further to solve this?


From: Dave Francis on

DBSetRestoreWorkArea() is the new function I could not remember

> >> ogHold:seek( _FIELD->EntryNum, true )
> The seek is on ogHold server so that's where the _FIELD will be referenced.

The model I have in my head says that _FIELD->EntryNum will be
evaluated against the current work area, and will be evaluated before
ogHold:seek is called, so who's to say what area happens to be
selected then?
2.8 speeded up DBServer access by NOT automatically restoring
workareas after every every call (or something like that). Use
DBSetRestoreWorkArea(TRUE) to mimic the old 2.5 behaviour.

I've always been very cautious/conservative with data access so this
change did not affect me, but I've seen it break other people systems
who were being more adventurous/clever in that area :o)



Stephen Quinn wrote:
> Dave
> > misconstrued (which server does it refer to?)
> >> EntryNum is the key of the parent oView server, and is also a key
> >> field in the child ogHold records.
> >> ogHold:seek( _FIELD->EntryNum, true )
> The seek is on ogHold server so that's where the _FIELD will be referenced.
> > and you're mixing dbserver and clipper syntax.
> I didn't see any Clipper syntax in the code shown.
> Steve
From: Johan Nel on
Hi Bill,

Have not tried, but the following might help you getting onto the
right track.

I think it has something to do with the _FIELD->EntryNum that actually
refers in the context to ogHold, hence you get all the records since
that will be the current workarea.

Try in your code something like:

LOCAL oSelf AS <YourClass>
oSelf := SELF
{|| ogHold:Seek(oSelf:oSFViewAllSDW:Server:FieldGet(#EntryNum),

Alternatively as shorthand:

LOCAL oSvr AS DbServer
oSvr := SELF:oView:oSFViewAllDSW:Server
oSvr:SetFilter({|| ogHold:Seek(oSvr:FieldGet(#EntryNum), TRUE)})


Johan Nel
Pretoria, South Africa.

On Aug 12, 8:06 am, Bill Tillick <wtill...(a)> wrote:
> I have a DBFServer filter that has worked fine under VO2.5, but now
> isn't working under VO2.8
> I have searched all the WhatsNew28...rtf and this forum, without
> success.
> The filter is set this way:
>    self:oView:oSFViewAllSDW:server:setFilter( { ||
> ogHold:seek(  _FIELD->EntryNum, true  ) } )
> but is shown as UNKNOWN in the debugger.
> EntryNum is the key of the parent oView server, and is also a key
> field in the child ogHold records.
> ogHold may contain 0-many records associated with the same EntryNum.
> The codeblock is used to filter to only the oView records that are
> matched in ogHold.
> Can someone help, please?
> Thanks,
> Bill