From: Shakespeare on
Op 22-3-2010 14:01, Mladen Gogala schreef:
> On Mon, 22 Mar 2010 04:27:12 -0700, John Hurley wrote:
>> As long
>> as Larry and gang are able to buy out competitors ( even the open source
>> one ) and kind of continually muddy the waters it looks like full speed
>> ahead for Oracle.
> Just like HMS "Titanic": full speed ahead in muddy (OK, icy) waters. I
> have no crystal ball, I can't say what will happen to Oracle. Que serra,
> serra, whatever will be, will be, the future is not ours to see...
> At any rate, having Larry Ellison being portrayed by someone like
> Leonardo di Caprio wouldn't be the worst possible fate.

Still didn't download Crystal Ball?

From: John Hurley on
On Mar 22, 7:40 am, "Jonathan Lewis" <jonat...(a)>


> > As long
> > as Larry and gang are able to buy out competitors ( even the open
> > source one ) and kind of continually muddy the waters it looks like
> > full speed ahead for Oracle.
> Full speed ahead in muddy waters -
> a dangerous mixture of metaphors ;)

An intentional abuse of the metaphor .

To me at least it kind of looks like Larry might be tacking the BMW
Racing sailboat down the Mississippi river. Yeah it is muddy at parts
and has some dangerous turns and things to watch out for but it is
also wide and long and has lots of room to make steering changes.

As much as people like to complain about the price tag and maintenance
costs for many there is comfort in picking and staying with the
marketplace leader. Not to mention the extensive sets of new
functionality that continue to be delivered release by release.

From: Mladen Gogala on
On Mon, 22 Mar 2010 14:09:14 +0100, Shakespeare wrote:

> Still didn't download Crystal Ball?

I'm waiting for Oracle to hire Kate Winslet.

From: John Hurley on
On Mar 22, 12:26 pm, Mladen Gogala <n...(a)> wrote:


> I'm waiting for Oracle to hire Kate Winslet.

Was that the girl on the movie Titannic ( never saw it sorry )? Are
you predicting ice bergs ahead?

From: joel garry on
On Mar 22, 6:01 am, Mladen Gogala <gogala.mla...(a)> wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Mar 2010 04:27:12 -0700, John Hurley wrote:
> > As long
> > as Larry and gang are able to buy out competitors ( even the open source
> > one ) and kind of continually muddy the waters it looks like full speed
> > ahead for Oracle.
> Just like HMS "Titanic": full speed ahead in muddy (OK, icy) waters. I
> have no crystal ball, I can't say what will happen to Oracle. Que serra,
> serra, whatever will be, will be, the future is not ours to see...
> At any rate, having Larry Ellison being portrayed by someone like
> Leonardo di Caprio wouldn't be the worst possible fate.
> --

Humphrey Bogart played Captain Queeg... how 'bout those steel balls,

-- is bogus.
"The first thing you've got to learn about this ship is that she was
designed by geniuses to be run by idiots. This is the engine room. To
operate, all you need is any group of well-trained monkeys. Ninety-
nine percent of everything we do is strict routine. Only one percent
requires creative intelligence." - Lieutenant Thomas Keefer