From: VictorSanduRadu on
here is the sollution to Saburex(worked for me fine) (oups now i
realise its in romanian :))) )
Ok so i'll skip the bla bla :))
so a romanian company posted the solution which makes us think off
course: if they are the only one who got the solution, they must've
made the virus:)
anyway here it goes
First u will need to download this 2 files
first is the removal tool which scans all the files and the second are
the registry files that are used after using the cleaner.
Step by step procedure:
1. stop computer. un-plug pc's allimantation source and leave it like
that 10 second.
2. restart in SAFE MODE
3. when u get in windows go to Control Panel/ System / System Restore
and turn of System Restore
4.Run the patch/cleaner which is the file from the first link i added.
All my exe files in my computer were infected.
5. then run the registry files from the second link i gave u and then
give it another Clear with the first file to be sure
Also u need to go to command promt
Start - Run - CMD and run the following lines
cmd /c attrib -r -h -s -a %temp%\*.tmp
cmd /c del /y %temp%\*.tmp
cmd /c attrib -r -h -s -a %windir%\system32\ole16.dll
cmd /c ren %windir%\system32\ole16.dll vir-ole.vir

Notice that i allready delete ole16.dll when i found out the solution
therefore that didnt work for me. Also the del /y command didnt work.
No worries cause it didnt seem to affect the solution.
6. Restart ur computer normaly and reactivate system restore

At least everything works perfectly now.

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