From: rickman on
On Mar 8, 4:40 pm, Andy Peters <goo...(a)> wrote:
> On Mar 8, 1:32 pm, rickman <gnu...(a)> wrote:
> > On Mar 8, 6:53 am, Martin Thompson <martin.j.thomp...(a)> wrote:
> > > rickman <gnu...(a)> writes:
> > > > I find the GUI will save me a lot of typing when instantiating
> > > > modules.  I use the "generate test bench" feature to build a file
> > > > with the meat and potatoes in it and I copy that to the higher level
> > > > module.
> > > Ahh, I use VHDL-mode in Emacs for that, which is why I haven't missed
> > > it :)
> > Are you saying that Emacs understands VHDL well enough to build a test
> > bench for you?
> It will create a skeleton for you.
> > Will it also build a component declaration or
> > instantiation automatically?  These three things could be automated,
> > but I have never taken the time to do it.  Making it part of the
> > editor makes perfect sense.
> The skeleton has a nice header, an instance of the DUT, signal
> declarations for all DUT I/O and a simple clock generator. Of course
> you have to create your own stimulus and add instantiations of other
> models as necessary.

Ok, that's what I get from the Aldec or Lattice ispLever tools. I'll
have to look at EMACs sometime soon. Can it be used to do pretty
print formatting on VHDL files?

From: Petter Gustad on
rickman <gnuarm(a)> writes:

> Ok, that's what I get from the Aldec or Lattice ispLever tools. I'll
> have to look at EMACs sometime soon. Can it be used to do pretty
> print formatting on VHDL files?

Yes, it will "beautify", either the entire buffer or the current
region (using C-c C-b or C-c M-b).

I'm also using Emacs/Gnus writing this message and reading this
newsgroup. I'm using Emacs/Mew for writing E-mail, also writing
Verilog, Common Lisp, Python, C, Java, LaTex, etc., as well as doing
GIT commits, diffs, creating branches, merges, even surfing the web
using w3m. Dired in Emacs provides a great file browser where I can to
bulk editing etc. Whenever I want to perform tedious repetitive
editing tasks I will usually make a small Emacs Lisp function to do it
for me...

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?
From: Martin Thompson on
rickman <gnuarm(a)> writes:

> On Mar 8, 6:53�am, Martin Thompson <martin.j.thomp...(a)> wrote:
>> rickman <gnu...(a)> writes:
>> > I find the GUI will save me a lot of typing when instantiating
>> > modules. �I use the "generate test bench" feature to build a file
>> > with the meat and potatoes in it and I copy that to the higher level
>> > module.
>> Ahh, I use VHDL-mode in Emacs for that, which is why I haven't missed
>> it :)
> Are you saying that Emacs understands VHDL well enough to build a test
> bench for you? Will it also build a component declaration or
> instantiation automatically? These three things could be automated,
> but I have never taken the time to do it. Making it part of the
> editor makes perfect sense.

Here's an example:

Given this (for which I typed very few letters due to autocompletion
and other magic):

entity example is

generic (
blah : integer := 5);

port (
clk : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
a : in integer;
b : out integer);

end entity example;

I can "copy-port" and "paste as testbench" to get this (I have done
nothing further to it at all):

< being vhdl paste >

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;


entity tb_example is

end entity tb_example;


architecture test of tb_example is

-- component generics
constant blah : integer := 5;

-- component ports
signal clk : std_logic;
signal reset : std_logic;
signal a : integer;
signal b : integer;

-- clock
signal Clk : std_logic := '1';
-- finished?
signal finished : std_logic;

begin -- architecture test

-- component instantiation
DUT: entity work.example
generic map (
blah => blah)
port map (
clk => clk,
reset => reset,
a => a,
b => b);

-- clock generation
Clk <= not Clk after 10 ns when finished /= '1' else '0';

-- waveform generation
WaveGen_Proc: process
finished <= '0';
-- insert signal assignments here
finished <= '1';
report (time'image(now) & " Finished");
end process WaveGen_Proc;

end architecture test;


configuration tb_example_test_cfg of tb_example is
for test
end for;
end tb_example_test_cfg;


< end vhdl paste >

I still need to update the vhdl-mode config so that clk doesn't get
defined twice - I broke that at some point, and haven't gone back to
fix it properly, I just delete the line. That feels very lazy, now
I'm admitting it :)


TRW Conekt - Consultancy in Engineering, Knowledge and Technology
From: Nial Stewart on
> Are you saying that Emacs understands VHDL well enough to build a test
> bench for you? Will it also build a component declaration or
> instantiation automatically? These three things could be automated,
> but I have never taken the time to do it. Making it part of the
> editor makes perfect sense.

The problem with emacs is you need three knuckles in each finger to
drive it.

The following perl script builds a basic testbench from a *.vhd entity.

It's not perfect (generics throw it I think, I keep meaning to fix that)
but it's saved me a lot of time.


From: Andy Peters on
On Mar 9, 4:37 am, "Nial Stewart"
<nial*REMOVE_TH...(a)> wrote:
> > Are you saying that Emacs understands VHDL well enough to build a test
> > bench for you?  Will it also build a component declaration or
> > instantiation automatically?  These three things could be automated,
> > but I have never taken the time to do it.  Making it part of the
> > editor makes perfect sense.
> The problem with emacs is you need three knuckles in each finger to
> drive it.

Remap the caps-lock key to CTRL and you're back to only two
knuckles :)

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