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move backward in transaction log with usage of sp_repldone
sp_repldone in BOL have, in its description: "You can move forward or backward in the list of replicated transactions." I trying to move backward. Executing sp_repldone with parameters equal to transaction which already was delivered. Log reader agent was stopped during the test. After execution of sp_repldone... 3 Sep 2009 07:51
Permission denied on sp_MS_replication_installed
We get an error when trying to subscribe saying that Management Studio is unable to access replication components because replication is not installed. However, replication is installed, and we did not have trouble subscribing other machines. The additional information says: The EXECUTE permission was ... 3 Sep 2009 07:51
Metadata cleanup - Merge publication
Hi, I have 2 merge publication (pub7 and pub14)which have 7 and 14 days of retention period. And i have 3 subscribers subscribing to above publications. I wanted to know 1. when the meta data cleanup will happen for above publications? 2. When the metadata will be cleanedup for the subscriber? 3. Can i run ... 18 Dec 2008 10:08
Transactional Replication
We deleted the information of MSpeer_lsns from sysArtilces and sysPublications tables but still getting same error. Today morning futher investigation revealed that is_replicated column in sys.tables catalog view still has value 1. Is there any way we can set this flag to 0? Select is_replicated from s... 10 Nov 2008 17:33
Unexpected eof encountered in bcp data file...msmerge_genhistory90.bcp
Creating a new merge replication on SQL 2005 and the snapshot fails. When I run the bcp command from the command prompt it returns the unexpected EOF. The source file is msmerge_genhistory90.bcp and the destination is the msmerge_genhistory table on the subscriber. The BCP file does exist in the specified folder.... 4 Oct 2008 10:45
Replication monitor shows duplicate merge subscription
I had a merge replication subscriber where I had to recreate a push subscription but it wouldn't create, saying the subscription already existed. I ran sp_dropmergesubscription on the publisher and then ran sp_helpmergesubscription and verified there was no record for that subscriber in the output. I recreated th... 2 Oct 2008 12:46
Transactional replication fails with connection refused error
Hi, I've setup transactional replication on 4 SQL Server 2005 clustered servers. I have three different publications all configured as push with the distributor running on the server with the publications. it looks like this: Cluster 1 has 2 databases that have 3 publications -distributor is here Cluster... 2 Oct 2008 14:50
Reinitialize without upload error and KB Article ID: 953624
We have had a problem for the past 2 years with replication agents failing with the following error. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUR ERROR: The Merge Agent failed after detecting that retention-based metadata cleanup has deleted metadata at the P... 13 Sep 2008 11:13
What agent executes sp_adjustpublisheridentityrange?
I am a SQL novice and this is my 1st time using replication. I'm using merge replication to publish on sever 2005 and pull subscribers using express 2005. All seemed great, until I could not longer add items to a particular table on the publisher. It gave an error stating I needed to run sp_adjustpublisherident... 7 Aug 2008 21:42
sp_droparticle without dropping subscription
when I run the script.... EXEC sp_droparticle @publication = N'CB to 00', @article = N'CB_PayOuts', @force_invalidate_snapshot = 1; I get the error message... Msg 14046, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_droparticle, Line 161 Could not drop article. A subscription exists on it. So the question is...... 20 Dec 2007 23:40
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