From: TOP on

Here is a macro that will run and time your die plate in a consistent
manner. A force rebuild from the API is more thorough than CTRL-Q so
you might get different times. This macro will work with Parts,
Assemblies and Drawings.

' SuperRebuild recorded on 07/29/05 by TOP
' 6/5/07 Force Verification on rebuild off before running.
Dim swApp As Object
Dim Part As Object
Dim boolstatus As Boolean
Dim longstatus As Long, longwarnings As Long
Dim FeatureData As Object
Dim Feature As Object
Dim Component As Object
Sub main()

Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
Set Part = swApp.ActiveDoc

Part.SetAddToDB True
Part.SetDisplayWhenAdded (False)

swApp.SetUserPreferenceToggle swPerformanceVerifyOnRebuild, False
STIME = Timer
retval = Part.ForceRebuild3(True)
ETIME = Timer
'swApp.SetUserPreferenceToggle swPerformanceVerifyOnRebuild, False

Part.SetAddToDB False
Part.SetDisplayWhenAdded (True)
boolstatus = MsgBox(Format(ETIME - STIME, "0.000") & " seconds",

End Sub

From: Anna Wood on

I think you can add directly to the spreadsheet because Dan has added
you as a collaborator for the spreadsheet. I do not beleive there is
a global setting to allow you to make a spreadsheet public for
modifications. I haven't found it yet anyway... :-) I beleive Dan B
may be actively managing the collaborators list for his spreadsheet.

The Google Spreadsheets are a really neat tool for this type of
collaboration we are doing here.... :-)



On Jun 5, 6:39 pm, TOP <kelln...(a)> wrote:
> That group wouldn't be too bad, it is Dan Bovnich's group. One plus is
> that you can add directly to the spreadsheet without going through
> Dan. You can also do other spreadsheet things like sorting on your
> favorite column (mine is CPU) and graphing.

From: Anna Wood on

Thanks for the macro.... :-)

Where are the couple benchmarks you have created posted at? Do you
have some time to update them so they work in SW2007?

I am willing to create a couple Google Spreadsheets to track results
from the benchmarks you have created. Would be interesting to create
a Google Spreadsheet for Mike Wilson's Ship in The Bottle also...



From: TOP on
I had them on my website. It is down now, but given the interest in
the subject I may bring it back up shortly.


From: Jerry Steiger on
"Anna Wood" <anna(a)> wrote in message
> Google Spreadsheets offers an option to "Publish" the spreadsheet.
> Try this link and see if it works.
> Notice the pub instead of ccc in the original link.



Jerry Steiger
Tripod Data Systems
"take the garbage out, dear"