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interp alias vs proc...
On Jun 8, 8:40 pm, Georgios Petasis <peta...(a)> wrote: Hi all, I am observing something strange (at least to me): <b is a command defined by a C extension> proc a {} {    return [b] } rename b some_namespace::b interp alias {} ::b {} some_proc_that_calls_b Then,... 9 Jun 2010 02:05
TDBC: documentation for the postgres driver?
Hi all, I just saw that some tbdc drivers were added to the ActiveTcl's repository, and I want to use them ASAP. I want to start from the postgres driver, but I don't know what are the options to start a connection. Does anybody knows where should I look to find these arguments? Right now my only source of i... 11 Jun 2010 09:12
namespace which -variable and array elements
INMO it would be quite helpful, if "namespace which" would also work with array elements. Example: <Code> namespace eval n { variable a set a(1) 1 proc p {} { variable a puts "nw a=[namespace which -variable a]" puts "nw a(1)=[namespace which -variable a(1)]" } } n::p </Code> Currently prints... 8 Jun 2010 10:16
Tcl-URL! - weekly Tcl news and links (Jun 7)
On 8 jun, 00:54, Cameron Laird <claird...(a)> wrote: QOTW:  "[F]rom 'read the display and write the value down' to 'automatic force recording' in less than 1hr, using Tcl + a serial port:  ..." - emiliano, with <URL:> as a visual aid ... 8 Jun 2010 11:25
Tcl-URL! - weekly Tcl news and links (Jun 7)
QOTW: "[F]rom 'read the display and write the value down' to 'automatic force recording' in less than 1hr, using Tcl + a serial port: ..." - emiliano, with <URL: > as a visual aid Thanks to Arjen Markus for this special report: Tcl conferences are hard... 7 Jun 2010 19:57
R6034 Run-time error when debugging a DLL extension, can anyone help???
Hi folks Last week I was happily debugging my C DLL tcl extension using Visual Studio. Today tclsh85 refuses to load the extension generating an alert dialog quoting an R6034 run-time error. If I recompile the extension as a Release rather than Debug I can load and use the DLL as normal. I'm mystified. Has an... 8 Jun 2010 06:55
ANNOUNCE: lriobf 1.0
I am pleased to announce the release of lriobf 1.0 : another utility for Tcl source protection. Lriobf can easily create starkit where all the embedded Tcl scripts will be encrypted, even if they are part of a package. Demo version and manual are available on our website: -- ... 7 Jun 2010 10:44
new/extra/additional ttk themes?
Having googled so far, I didn't find any more ttk themes for use than the ones come with tk8.5 (that have ttk embeded). Consider it is possible to create a new theme only by using tcl/tk, such low barrier of theme authoring must have attracted some people to make their new theme and very likely they already publish... 10 Jul 2010 08:21
Announce: BWidget 1.9.2
As 3rd result of the European User meeting in Strasbourg, I am pleased to announce BWidget 1.9.2. This is a release due to two reasons: - there are some bug fixes and enhancements since 1.9.0 - ActiveTCL contained a package BWidget 1.9.1 which was a development snapshot from the Tile-enabled version. Anybody ... 7 Jun 2010 05:16
ttk treeview widget: how to tell if an item is detached
Is there a way to tell if an item is detached? For use of detach: manual of ttk::treeview(3tk) pathname detach itemList Unlinks all of the specified items in itemList from the tree. The items and all of their descendants are still present and may be reinserte... 8 Jun 2010 23:53
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