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CFP: HPCS 2010 SS4 Cellular Automata, Algorithms & Architectures
=============================================================================== Apologies if you get this multiple times. Please forward to interested people. *** Paper Submissions: -------------------------------- February 15, 2010 *** ========================================================================... 2 Feb 2010 15:46
FFT algorithm for a logarithmically-sampled time series
Hello, I wonder if there exists a C/C++, Fortran, or Python library for calculating a Fourier Transform of a logarithmically-binned times series? Unfortunately FFTW C-library is only good for uniformly-spaced time series. Thank you! ~Andrei. ... 2 Feb 2010 15:46
*Tecnica*: Knotty 'bits' [*Logica mon amour*]
*Tecnica*: 'Coffee, Tea, or *Ik*?' [*Algebraic Topology* Ems]
*It's all here, baby*. Some parts may need more /assembly/. Other parts /cost too much/. PS: I Love You. [THE DAMMED EUROINTEGRANDOS RATHER NOT] ---- ... 2 Feb 2010 15:46
*Tecnica*: Your Major Source For "Book" [Cue "Alicia"]
On Jan 26, 9:46 pm, Big Red Jeff Rubard <friendlydogbanglesnsociali...(a)> wrote: THE INTERNET, SILLY! Mr Spier and I agree: "amping and maxing the zone" in the middle voice using /The Intronet/ [!!!] *Is* your best entertainment value, For both Ralf *and* Florian *knows* that an INDEPENDENT PRESS ... 2 Feb 2010 15:46
*Tecnica*: Why The Goto Statement Is Most Deprecated [EDS 4EVA]
Or, a Note on the "axiomatic semantics" of Unstructured Jumps ⊥ There, I said it. What did I say? A falsehood, for the symbol above denotes 'bottom' *or* 'falsum' - a 'zero-place' logical operator that 'denotes' something false. How it /do/ that? Like this: the falsum is defined by its 'suitability' for forc... 2 Feb 2010 15:46
JOB ANNOUNCEMENT 1 Post-Doctoral Position at the Vienna University of Technology The position is associated to the project "Fuzzy Logics: from Mathematics to Medical Application" funded by the Vienna Science and Technology Fund WWTF. The project is a cooperation between the Vienna University of Technolo... 2 Feb 2010 15:46
لأول مره بالمنتديات مجموعة برامج محموله لاغنى عنها لكل جهاز Selection of portable software
áÃæá ãÑå ÈÇáãäÊÏíÇÊ ãÌãæÚÉ ÈÑÇãÌ ãÍãæáå áÇÛäì ÚäåÇ áßá ÌåÇÒ Selection of portable software ÇáíÇÈÇä ÊÕÏÑ ãÊÕÝÍ ÇäÊÑäÊ ÎÇÑÞ Ýí ÇáÓÑÚÉ æ ÇáÇÏÇÁ æ ãäÇÝÓ ÇÊÕÇá ãÌÇäì áÌãíÚ ÇáÏæá ÇáÚÇáã ÊÚÈÊ ãä ÈØÆ ÌåÇÒß Ýí äÞá ÇáãáÝÇÊ Å... 27 Jan 2010 17:10
Can Someone please help me with my Computer stuff? 68038
I use the computer and the Net on a regular basis but I don't know a whole lot about it all, especially when it gets technical. I have an Acer Aspire AM5100-U5300A. I would like to speed this computer up, I would like a very good grasphics card without spending a fortune. Once I find out what I need I willo just go t... 27 Jan 2010 14:53
Algorithm size for parallel complexity on cellular automata
Hi, (I do not know whether comp.theory or comp.theory.cell-automata is better suited here, so sorry for the crosspost). When we consider "intrinsically universal cellular automata" as in (Ollinger: The Quest for Small Universal Cellular Automata, ICALP2002) a constant factor for the required size of a "proces... 27 Jan 2010 09:13
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