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american weather
inc natural ice basis vapor maximum era link -- questo articolo e` stato inviato via web dal servizio gratuito segnala gli abusi ad abuse(a) ... 12 Oct 2009 06:17
CPU can't do stream processing it seems...
Ok, I just tested the "streaming" idea for the cpu. Streaming idea: "do many reads, do many writes, repeat". Non streaming idea: "do single read, do single write repeat". The non streaming idea works faster. (Streaming idea requires multiplications and some extra looping, not sure if that slows it down... 3 Oct 2009 15:29
OpenGL performance benchmarking ! ;)
Hi, I haven't tried this yet... but this kinda sounds good: Could be used to detect what's fast and what's not ;) Bye, Skybuck ;) =D ... 3 Oct 2009 08:49
Other performance tips.
This document is nice: It mentions something interesting: "Depth testing is expensive..." I am not sure if this includes verteces going out of view or so... in 2d mode... Maybe depth testing is not required to make verteces go out of view b... 1 Oct 2009 07:15
GPGPU example plus needed OpenGL and CG libraries for Delphi 2007 now available ! (Benchmark results available)
Ok, I just updated the example... it now uses the vcl/form/canvas for the hdc. I also ran a little benchmark, problem size 16.000.000 iterations 200 Graphics card: GTX 7900. Some formats didn't work... especially the R program seemed to hang or be super slow... otherway, don't use those formats ;) Conc... 28 Sep 2009 02:40
CFP: SMART'10 - 4th Workshop on Statistical and Machine learning approaches to ARchitecture and compilaTion
Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this call. ******************************************************************************** CALL FOR PAPERS 4th Workshop on Statistical and Machine learning approaches ... 27 Sep 2009 12:20
Parallel huffman encoding and decoding algorithm/idea by Skybuckfor sale !
Skybuck Flying wrote: Hello, Today I invented a parallel huffman encoding and decoding algorithm which is pretty much 100% parallel and very efficient. (For now this does not include parallel building of the tree, nor does it include parallel huffman code building... just parallel encoding and ... 25 Sep 2009 13:04
Parallel huffman encoding and decoding algorithm/idea by Skybuck for sale !
Hello, Today I invented a parallel huffman encoding and decoding algorithm which is pretty much 100% parallel and very efficient. (For now this does not include parallel building of the tree, nor does it include parallel huffman code building... just parallel encoding and parallel decoding (which is 99.9% o... 28 Sep 2009 19:15
Software vs hardware floating-point [was Re: What happened ...]
In article <87my56fcj8.fsf(a)>, Chris Gray <cg(a)> wrote: nmm1(a) writes: As you know, I am radical among radicals, but what I should like to see is a 1,024 core chip, with an enhanced 2-D grid memory topology, back-to-back with its NON-shared memory, NO hardware flo... 21 Sep 2009 03:23
What happened to computer architecture (and comp.arch?)
On Sep 6, 9:44 pm, Mayan Moudgill <ma...(a)> wrote: I've been reading comp.arch off and on for more than 20 years now. In the past few years the SNR has deteriorated considerably, and I was wondering why. I'm glad you've revived the tradition of fussing about the SNR. Such complaints have histori... 7 Oct 2009 04:10
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