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UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices() return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND on Vista x86
Hi, On Vista build 5744 x86, my uninstallation program calls UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices() to uninstall my proprietary mouse filter driver, but gets return value ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND. The parameter fullInfPath passed to UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices() is the full path to inbox msmouse.inf. I am sure ... 13 Nov 2006 04:22
Moufiltr, ServiceCallback
I have been modified the DDK sample moufiltr driver to be accessed by user app. user mode app can access to the control objcet with the symbolic link. It also works well with WriteFile() - IRP_MJ_WRITE. But when it call MouFilter_ServiceCallback() in IRP_MJ_WRITE hanlder, PC is rebooted immediately. I'd like t... 14 Nov 2006 00:27
Need 10us periodic timer in kernel mode
Hi All! I write a driver. This driver generate impuls on LPT port. Now, I use the KeSetTimerEx. This is a periodic timer and 1ms timing. I need 10us periodic timer, in kernel mode. Best regards Cris ... 9 Nov 2006 22:08
Aladdin Etoken Pro, C#
OS : Windows XP Professional Environment : MS Visual Studio 2005 Language : C# Hi, I am trying to write a windows application using C# that accesses the Aladdin Etoken Pro USB device. ( I am using [DllImport("eToken.dll")] to import functions and i am using MarshallbyAttribute to import type... 6 Nov 2006 12:30
WttLogger with DTM
Hi. Did you get any help with this? "sylvain.boily(a)" wrote: Hi, I am new in here and I'm currently configuring my tests to run with DTM. Unfortunatly, I cannot access the windows.beta.wdk.dtm newsgroup due to access problem :( My question is: Where can I find the WTTLo... 3 Nov 2006 15:18
ZwWriteFile and buffer reuse
I use ZwWriteFile function to write data from a buffer to a file in a worker thread. I would like to know when can I resue the input buffer again to fill new data. Buffer is filled in the interrupt/DPC and once the buffer is filled, a worker thread is scheduled to write the data to file. My interrupt routine ... 3 Nov 2006 11:05
I'm a newbie in windows wdm driver development, I need a virtual video capture driver with splitter output pin. I port it from testcap(DDK Sample), I need to set KSPROPERTY_PIN_GLOBALCINSTANCES property, I insert the property item into the device property table set, but it not work, the property was not queried. ... 2 Nov 2006 02:10
Mirror Driver in Multi-Monitor System
I'm working a mirror driver for a remote-access program which uses the mirror driver to detect and monitor screen changes. I'm trying to add multimonitor support and when I change dmPosition.x = -1280 before calling ChangeDisplaySettingsEx, the surface which I create in the driver (and share memory access with i... 7 Nov 2006 06:17
Remote NDIS - support for multiple adapters?
I'm implementing a cellular phone as a network adapter over USB on XP. The cellular phone hardware can support multiple concurrent packet switched connections (i.e. multiple primary PDP contexts). The plan is to have the remote USB device present itself as a composite device exposing multiple adapters. Doe... 1 Nov 2006 06:04
How to open two USB pipes (0x81 - 0x02) in USB - vendor HID devi
Hi, I have a vendor HID device with two additional endpoints, 0x81 (input) and the optional endpoint 0x02. With only one endpoint (0x81) everything is ok. I can get a handle with CreateFile and I can send messages with HidD_SetOutputReport and with WriteFile. Now I have introduced a second endpoint (0x02 - ... 31 Oct 2006 02:13
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