From: Cliff on
On Tue, 05 Jan 2010 07:32:37 -0500, IYM <"S U N risr"> wrote:

>> Clearly time for a "Redrawn W/O Change" that includes the
>> info in an explicit manner but drops the spec & odd notation.
>> Is that "W/O Change"?
>As it turns out, there is no need for a rev at this time. The customer
>gave an exception to that requirement, meaning it will not be an
>acceptable/rejectable criteria....AND (before you go nuts with that
>response - lol) more importantly, our company inspection standards
>already exceed the requirement on the print, so we check what the
>drawing calls for (actually better) as part of our procedure on the
>entire part, not just the surfaces specified on the print...

"Redrawn W/O Change" is "WithOut" change (to the product
design). Just a new drawing of the same design without change
notes & etc.
Should triigger an archival of the old drawing.
Detail balloons to a note or an explicit UOS callout
might suffice to replace the odd symbols.