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Mac in 2 minutes
In article <tkettler-6EE1CC.09174807072010(a)reserved-multicast-range-not-delegated.e>, Thomas R. Kettler <tkettler(a)> wrote: After all, there wasn't an SE/30 either and they were quite significant. but not visually different from an se and only slightly different from the original mac.... 7 Jul 2010 17:52
The End Is Near?
FYI: For those of you who don't read Macintouch regularly, there was an interesting post by Ishan Bhattacharya in the iPhone 4 forum <>. The notable quote is: 'The photos of him with Medvedev shows a very sick man (I'm a physician familiar ... 10 Jul 2010 00:54
Software sound booster?
My main TV receiver now is the Elgato Hybrid. For some reason, Its overall size, not including display and speakers, is about the size of a small GT vacuum tube in the first TV my parents owned. The sound output level is rather low. With my external USB speakers, I can boost the volume to usable level. Using... 7 Jul 2010 12:21
Your momma sucks iPad
Michelle Steiner wrote: Mark Morford certainly has a way with words, doesn't he? He's a columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle. < Yes, indeed he does. Was reminded of times with my own Mom, sometimes getting frustrated tha... 8 Jul 2010 15:51
Quicker way to restart?
Hi, I'm using Mac 10.6.3. When I want to shut down or restart, it takes a while because I have to answer questions from most of my applications like "Do you really want to close?" or "Save your work before closing?". Is there a way that I can restart without manually having to specify that I don't want to save... 12 Jul 2010 19:37
MS Entourage 2008 V. 12.2.5 - Halp!
So, until the other day, when I clicked on a new email, the email was marked as read without any further steps. Now, I have to either open the email or mark it as read manually. What setting did I change and how do I get it back to the previous behavior. I've looked at my preferences and settings and can't fi... 11 Jul 2010 11:33
Disappearing applications in Spotlight
I am using Snow Leopard, and the following odd behaviour has persisted through several versions of 10.6. When I enter a search term the top hit appears and a list of applications, as it should. But, too quickly for me to do anything about it, all the applications disappear except the top hit. It's very annoying... 7 Jul 2010 06:51
Mighty mouse maintenance
My mighty mouse has gotten to a point when it needs to be stroked against paper often to work. Are there guidelines on how much I have to stroke it before it will be happy for a while ? As I stroke it, is there a way to know when it has gotten enough stroking to have the scroll ball work properly for a long tim... 11 Jul 2010 21:35
can't copy to thumb drive
I want to send about 20 GBs of .PDFs to some one. They are mostly about 500-700 MBs with a few between 1 and 1.5 GBs. i purchased a no-name 32 GB thumb drive off eBay, and it stopped copying at just under 3 GBs, ejecting the disk with a message that it had been improperly dismounted. The Finder can�t complete ... 18 Jul 2010 17:02
"OSX doesn't recognize"...http?
OK, that's a shortening of a message that's entirely confusing. The full message, trying to open a site to look into this very problem, is "Safari can�t open � 6.pdf� because Mac OS X doesn�t recognize Internet addresses starting with �ht... 8 Jul 2010 12:30
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