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COM Automation
Hi, I have a software which can be controlled from an external program. To control the software from an external program the application can act as a server according to the COM Automation standard defined by Microsoft. Many programming environments and software packages are able to access the application as a ... 11 Aug 2010 10:20
Can the solver platform sdk be installed in matlab? Does it have a similar approach with the excel solver?
Hello, I am trying to find a solver in matlab that is compatible with the excel solver. . I read from the internet that the solver platform sdk gives MATLAB users access to a powerful hybrid Evolutionary/Classical Solver that uses genetic algorithm methods such as mutation, crossover, selection and constraint repair... 11 Aug 2010 10:20
How to use 'zoom' on Y-axis and Z-axis view?
Dear all 'Zoom in' and 'Zoom out' are very useful tool in plot figure. However, I found that 'zoom' will act differently on X-Y axis and Y-Z or X-Z axis view. On X-Y view, 'zoom' can draw a gray rectangle and zoom this zone, however on Y-Z or X-Z , it cannot. I guess that MATLAB regard X-Z and Y-Z view as a 3D plot, s... 10 Aug 2010 23:32
better way to do this?
Hello, I have 3 arrays, containing date, distances and ships number. I want to extract (or filter) the information from these arrays for months of august to novembre (inclusive). I wrote the following code, but it seems really basic and takes abit long. to excute. (~15 seconds) 1. Basically, i wanted to know how... 10 Aug 2010 21:20
Reading a PDF file
"Angelo Gonzalez" <kuyagerms_07(a)> wrote in message <i3rlva$t41$1(a)>... Hi! Is it possible for matlab to read PDF files? i've seen a couple of m-files in file exchange that extracts text, is it possible for matlab to extract an image? sorry, i just started using matlab. thanks in adva... 10 Aug 2010 21:20
hiii,, Can u please explain how to use regexp to divide a text
Walter Roberson <roberson(a)> wrote in message <i3slmr$ef6$1(a)>... syam kumar medandrao wrote: Can u please explain how to use regexp to divide a text into words..i tried textscan also but that is alright, It depends upon what you mean by "words" in this context.... 10 Aug 2010 21:20
boxplot help
I have observed temperatures and simulated temperatures for a year. I want to make a box plot with x-axis being months (Jan-Dec). At each month on the x-axis, I want to show the box plot of both observed and simulated temperatures. Is there some matlab command that I can directly use to do this? I know of the boxplot c... 11 Aug 2010 20:14
Why aren't my column headers importing correctly with importdata?
I have a file (available at which is basically a table of data with column headers, pretty simple. It is all tab-delimited, including the headers. I am using the importdata command in R2009a to read the file. The numerical data comes out fine, separated into different matrix col... 10 Aug 2010 22:26
ALL Solution Manuals & Test Banks Are Here!
Hello, We would like to inform you that we have the largest collection Of solutions manuals, instructor manuals, and test banks available for sale. We are able to send the files within few hours. You can contact us directly at REQUEST(at)TESTBANK(dot)NET Or visit our website for more information (TESTBANK.NET)... 10 Aug 2010 20:14
Want To Buy SOlution Manual Or Test Bank? We Do Have The Largest Collection Over The Net
Hello, We would like to inform you that we have the largest collection Of solutions manuals, instructor manuals, and test banks available for sale. We are able to send the files within few hours. You can contact us directly at REQUEST(at)TESTBANK(dot)NET Or visit our website for more information (TESTBANK.NET)... 10 Aug 2010 19:07
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