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ANFIS on inverted pendulum system
Hi...I am doing my thesis on designing an ANFIS on inverted pendulum system .I am using matlab/simulink for this ..Can anybody help me with how i train my data for this ...thank u .....chinta ... 14 Feb 2005 20:50
Conversion to double from sym
clc,clear all, % xin = [-5 -5 -3 -3 -1 -1 1 1 3 3 5 5 ]; n = input('enter n'); f = inline('(exp(x)-1)/(exp(x)+1)'); z = linspace(-5,5); plot(z,(exp(z)-1)./(exp(z)+1)) syms x; T = zeros(1,n); T = [1, x]; for i = 3:n T(i) = 2.*x.*T(i-1) - T(i-2); end hold on p = T(n) ps = simplify(p) for i = 1:n x... 14 Feb 2005 20:50
Same Problem of using f2matlab
I downloaded f2matlab and got the same problem Alex has. So I tried with all of the function given in example, like dgauleg.f90 ... and the result was the always same: ??? Error using ==> strfind Inputs must be character arrays. i=intersect(find(~cellfun('isempty',strfind(funstr,':'))),fs_good) Is it be... 14 Feb 2005 20:50
hai every reader, i am currrently working on mc-cdma ,I want that some one who has working on this topic can share his work with me iam also trying to simulate the mc-cdma in matlab thanks ... 14 Feb 2005 20:50
help with fminsearch
Hi, I am trying to fit a vonbertalanffy growth curve to some fish growth data, using iterative least squares and the fminsearch function. The VonB function has three unknowns hence you need three initial guesses. I can assign the function to a handle ok with this command: VonB = @(Lmax,b,k) sum(((Lmax*(1-b*exp(-k*... 14 Feb 2005 20:50
There may be a singularity in the solution
"State 1 of block 'loopmech/Subsystem3/Zero-Pole2' computed at time 1e-006 with step size 1e-006 is Inf or NaN. Stopping simulation. There may be a singularity in the solution. If not, try reducing the step size (either by reducing the fixed step size or by tightening the error tolerances)" This is the problem i... 14 Feb 2005 20:50
crashed !!!when I test the "Magic Square "Example in combuilder
when I ran the magic.exe The programme crashed with the following msg: Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime library Runtime error! Program: is blank The application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information. When I test the... 14 Feb 2005 20:50
Reading AVI files.
Hi, I am trying to read an AVI file and I get this error: ??? Error using ==> audiovideo\private\findchunk Incorrect chunk size information in AVI file. Error in ==> audiovideo\private\findlist at 16 [chunk,msg] = findchunk(fid,'LIST'); Error in ==> aviinfo at 120 [strlsize,msg] = findlist(fid,'strl'... 14 Feb 2005 20:50
Real time plotting
I, as many in here seem to be:), am new to MATLAB. I have installed a NI PCI-6036 DAQ. I now have the board working fine, and talking to it with MATLAB. My aim is to use the board as a monitor (of a voltage level), and then watch for threshold crossings and procede with some ao and dio calls. I want to see the data... 14 Feb 2005 20:50
where to find libmatlb.h?
I have a c program compiled from matlab compiler by others. And now I need to compile the c programs using cl.exe(microsoft visual c++ compiler), however, I got the error: libmatlb.h: No such file or directory When I try to compile it using cl, where could I find this header file? I don't know much about Matl... 14 Feb 2005 20:50
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