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turn off MATLAB prompts
Hi, In my m file I use "eigs" command for a long loop and when the program runs it keeps prompting "Iteration 1: a few Ritz values of the 6-by-6 matrix:" in the MATLAB main page. The program works fine but this prompting make the running time much slower than what it should be. Could you help me how I can turn off thi... 11 Aug 2010 23:34
UDP Datagramreceivedfcn unresponsive on first datagram
Hello, I'm using UDP to communicate between Matlab programs on separate computers. The two programs essentially operate in a master/slave configuration. For some reason, the first datagram sent from the master doesn't trigger the datagramreceivedfcn at the slave most, but not all the time. This causes the master ... 12 Aug 2010 12:33
UDP Datagramreceivedfcn unresponsive on first datagram
Hello, I'm using UDP to communicate between Matlab programs on separate computers. The two programs essentially operate in a master/slave configuration. For some reason, the first datagram sent from the master doesn't trigger the datagramreceivedfcn at the slave most, but not all the time. This causes the master ... 11 Aug 2010 18:02
GUI resize
In my GUI i handle window resizes by setting the position property on my desired object. I have never had this problem with this but after data is added to my plot i get an error message. Why is this happening and are there any work arounds for this? EX: fpos = get(handles.figure1,'Position'); set(handl... 11 Aug 2010 18:02
Pixel Current
I am trying to perform some pyrometry work and I was wondering if anybody knew of a way to determine the pixel current (Amps/pixel) from an image in Matlab. I am not very familiar with the image processing toolbox and didn't know if there was something built in to find the pixel current for a given pixel. Thanks! ... 12 Aug 2010 15:53
high density scatterplot
i have a scatter plot with of several thousand points. Needless to say I don't need to plot every one of these. What is the best way to avoid plotting points in high density areas? Anything in the statistics toolbox maybe? some kind of data smoothing? Thanks for the ideas/help ... 12 Aug 2010 16:58
Simulink error: 'Error while obtaining sizes from MEX s-function'...
I had my system of files (which include Simulink models as well as xPC Target) up and running on my previous PC; then, the PC died, and I had to transfer everything over to a new PC. Now, when I try to run these same files/models that had previously worked, (specifically, the Simulink model that runs on my Host PC, usi... 12 Aug 2010 12:33
simulate jump process
Hi, I am trying to simulate a jump process J_t in {0,1}, P[delta J_t=-1 | J_t-=1]=d(t), P[delta J_t=1 | J_t-=0]=u(t), the intensity of jumps:lambda(t)dt, the law of the jumps:K(t,dy)=P[delta J_t in dy|J_t-]. Does anyone know of any books I can read that will give me an step by step explanation of how to do this? or pe... 11 Aug 2010 16:55
simulate jump process
Hi, I am trying to simulate a jump process J_t in {0,1}, P[delta J_t=-1 | J_t-=1]=d(t), P[delta J_t=1 | J_t-=0]=u(t), the intensity of jumps:lambda(t)dt, the law of the jumps:K(t,dy)=P[delta J_t in dy|J_t-]. Does anyone know of any books I can read that will give me an step by step explanation of how to do this? or pe... 11 Aug 2010 16:55
vertical cell concatenation
i have a cell and each block of the cell contains another 1x1 cell full of strings. example: a = {{{'a';'f'}} {{'x'}} {{'b'}} ; {{'c'}} [] {{'d'}}} so a{1,1}{1,1} is {'a';'f'}. how do i concatenate all the strings in each column of a so i get a new cell that stores all the strings in it? example: new_... 11 Aug 2010 16:55
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