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matlab crash and session logout in suse 10.2
"Sergey " <fakeEmail(a)> wrote in message <hi8imu$ab1$1(a)>... I got an official reply from mathowrks. This appears to be a problem with the opengl driver on linux. Short of installing the bug-free driver, the only other option is to set opengl to software at the begging of each matlab session... 12 Aug 2010 15:52
Global optimization question
I have never used the golabal optimization toolbox and i am facing problems in running the global search. I am trying to minimize the function WargaNSTR3 (Loss=WargaNSTR3(b,Qtc)) Loss is the difference between theoretical and actual prices. So I am trying to minimize the difference between the prices . The theoretic... 13 Aug 2010 19:03
Extract Data from String
I need to extract data from a string. An example string array is below: 'il_mh_row1:9' 'il_mh_row1:10' I need to extract all numbers after the :, and there may be 1 number or 3 numbers following the colon, depending on the case. I want to store these numbers in an array once I pull them out of the string. How... 12 Aug 2010 18:04
Problem with timestwo.F example in 64-bits?
I seem to be having trouble when compiling the timestwo.F example provided in MATLABROOT/extern/examples/refbook. I am using R2010a, on a Mac with OS X 10.5.8 on, so this may have to do with the 64-bit thing. First, a question: timestwo.F is supposed to work for 2x2 arrays, correct? Assuming t... 12 Aug 2010 16:59
Exponential Integral
Hi, I am trying to integrate a generalized exponential integral E_nu(z) where my nu=0.7 and z=-0.5 Can I do it in MATLAB? or is there any package by which I can do it? roy ... 12 Aug 2010 16:58
quiver in Matlab
Hi all, I am now using the quiver to generate a vector plot in Matlab. The plot come out nicely except for the plotting position. Let say for a vector on point (x,y), it will plot the tail of the vector on the point(x,y) I have did some search in the help and google , but I still don't know how to plot the vec... 12 Aug 2010 14:46
dumping variables to structure
Is there a quick way to dumping a collection of variables to a structure, using the variable names as the structure fields? The "load" function basically does this somehow? Sorry if this has been answered, I'm just finding a solution quickly. i.e. clear a = 'adsf' b = rand(10); x = var2struct(a,b) x.a x... 12 Aug 2010 16:58
Trying to start a MatLab Engine (engOpen) setting a startup directory in Windows from C code
I am trying to set the startup directory for MatLab when I create a new instance in code (from .Net calling into a c wrapper). I need to be able to use a java.opts file and a startup.m file that are located in this startup directory. I have been calling the startup file manually with endEvalString but miss the java.o... 12 Aug 2010 14:46
%VAL problems with gfortran and mex
Hi Folks I have used James Tursa's excellent toolbox recently for linking fortran mex files to Matlab in Windows, but now I am having problems compiling with gfortran. The problem is with the follwing line CALL MatlabAPI_COM_Apx3(%VAL(mxGetPr(UDOTPSF8ptr2)), 1, D3 ) and the compiler is complainign about the %V... 13 Aug 2010 14:40
cross diagonal enteries
Hi All, I need to find the sum of cross diagonal entries. If A =[x11 , x12, x13; x21 , x22, x23; x31 , x32, x33]; then I need the sum of x13,x22,x31. I need to do this for a general N by N matrix. Best Regards. ... 12 Aug 2010 14:46
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