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Make recursion faster...
Hey folks, I'm dissecting a script and found a part of my code that is ridiculously slow. It's a loop to "create" a series a bunch of times and so it involves a recursion. Essentially I have 48 original time series (of different sizes, that's why I'm using cells)..and with each one I want to create B "fake" or bo... 13 Aug 2010 14:40
Error message with impixelinfoval: iptaddcallback cannot set callbacks on figure with an active mode.
Hi, I am working on a GUI which has many panels, buttons,... and there is a panel with 5subplots, where I display imagesc from matrix values (with colormaps). I wanted to know what is the position of the mouse when positionning it on one of the subplots, and I just discovered impixelinfoval and impixelinfo. The f... 13 Aug 2010 12:29
algebraic loop
Hi all, Can anyone explain me about the memory block. so that I can use it for a closed loop system. I am getting error for a simple closed loop system. Do I have to mention anything within the memory block to obtain the same input and output. Any kind of help will be helpful for me. Error: Algebraic state in al... 13 Aug 2010 11:24
mxCreateInteger4Matrix, mxCreateReal4Matrix?
I am a bit confused about the documentation in The documentation directs us to "use the mxCreate functions to create the MATLAB arrays for [our] output argument". However, . Since there is not a specific mxCreate f... 13 Aug 2010 17:57
solving 2 functions
i wanna find the cross points of 2 circles, but as a result i get complex number need some help X,Y are center coordinates vector (X for x position, Y for y position), R is a radius vector function [x,y]=INTERSECT (X,Y,R) syms x y x_center y_center r eq=(x-x_center)^2+(y-y_center)^2-r^2; x_center=X(1); y... 13 Aug 2010 11:24
FIR filter cutoff
Hi, I am using a lowpass FIR filter in Matlab in a video of mine to cut some frequencies and get a curve of the videos RGB values for each frame. The sampling rate is 24 frames/sec or 0.04. I set my cutoff frequency to 0.04 and the curve looks pretty smooth, but when I use a lower value cutoff, i.e 0.01 the curve is... 13 Aug 2010 16:51
function outputs
NPV(p1,p2) is my sub-function which gives me two outputs[x,y] I have to call this function three times in my main function, see code below: [v1,v2]=NPV(p1,p2); [v3,v4]=NPV(p1-epsilon,p2); [v5,v6]=NPV(p1,p2-esilon); gradient1=v1-v3; gradient2=v2-v6; matlab codes complain that I did not use v2&v5 which is n... 13 Aug 2010 11:23
Matlab fid problem
Hello, Hoping the following may be useful get fopen to work. The code first gave fid=-1 (means file not read). Then it was fid=3 (means file read), but was returning zero value. I have created a matrix of file names. And was trying to open the files using the names form this matrix (all placed in same directo... 13 Aug 2010 11:23
Neural Networks weights and bias help
Hi, i am trying to learn NN toolbox. I tried to creat a networks that multiply the number by 3 and gives as output. For simplicity, i made the transfer function also linear. It works well but i tried to reach the same result by using the bias and weight values. x -> input y-> output a= [ (w1*x + b1) * w2 ]+b2 ... 13 Aug 2010 21:13
importdata function behavior changed w/r/t Excel dates
Hi, I'm having the same problem as the thread starter. I've checked with R2008a and R2010a, both with different types of datafiles. All have the same behaviour, meaning both matlab versions and both datafiles. When running importdata, specifying 5 headerlines means that the function now only reads the first 5 lines... 13 Aug 2010 11:23
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