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convert str to number with leading zeros
Hi, How can i convert the following string into the same number '001'(string) converted to 001 (number) str2num or str2double eats the leading zeros. any suggestions?? thanks. ... 13 Aug 2010 11:23
how to clear the cache (rehash clear mex ???)
Hello I have a problem within a Program that is having about the followin structure: for i=1: NumberOfSystems Setsystem(i); % This function writes an m File script System.m that does contain the system % information on the i-th system. rehash clear mex DoCalculation('system.m') ... 13 Aug 2010 10:17
PSD and Correlation
Hello, I am generating a random process by passing white noise throught a second order system. a/(s^2+2*z*wn*s+wn^2) The autocorrelation function calculated using xcorr gives me what I expected, but the psd (calculated using fft) does not. I expected to see a decreasing line with slope -4 (loglog-Plot) If I increa... 12 Aug 2010 16:58
variable object names
Hi, is it possible in Matlab to create a name of an object (like an axis handle or a simple variable) using another as its name, or part of its name? Example: I have a number of subplots to draw. The respective axes handles are named ax1n, with <n> the number of the subplot. <n> depends on the input data and is n... 12 Aug 2010 11:28
simultaneous parameter estimation
hi, i have an objective function whose variables are time dependent and i have to run a model to get the data to put into the objective function. the structure is laid out below. give parameter guess run model with parameters obj fun = sim data-exp data run solver so the opimiser has to run the model for every... 12 Aug 2010 09:16
how to print m-file(itself) in GUI?
Hi all, I want to write a GUI program (self_print.m) with menu bar. When I click File>print, I want to print the m-file (i.e self_print.m). How can i make it happen? I don't want to use print menu from the M-file editor.( i want a similar one in my gui ). Any suggestion is much appreciated. Thanks in advance. ... 12 Aug 2010 14:46
Matlab r2010a student version not launching on snow leopard
Hello! I'm using the student version of matlab r2010a on mac os x snow leopard. When I try to launch matlab from the dock using the launcher icon the text "Start Matlab" appears in the menu bar, however quits a few seconds later. Trying to launch it from the terminal using the "matlab" command produces the messag... 12 Aug 2010 23:32
Simulink Transfer Function
Hi, I am new to simulink so apologies if my question is basic: I am looking to try to implement the transfer function (1+s)/((1+s)^a) with 'a' being a parameter which I can vary during experiments. Is there a way I can implement this that allows 'a' to be set by an input to the system? Many thanks for your help a... 12 Aug 2010 07:06
Determine Rise
Is their any possibility to determine the rise time and the other characteristic control values out of a simulink model ? The LTI Viewer offer many options for systems in form of zpk,tf and ss systems, but I can't find a possibility to investigate the results of my simulink simulation! Thanks Thomas ... 12 Aug 2010 07:06
load multiple files assigned to unique names
Hi, I'm trying to load 25 files in a loop and assign the contents of each file to a unique name. files on disk are named as filenames0 filenames1 filenames2........ using the following code: files=dir('pathtomyfiles\filenames*') names=cell(25,1); for i=1:25 fname=['file',num2str(i)]; names{i,1}=fname; ... 12 Aug 2010 10:22
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