From: on
Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2006-02-13, John Salerno <johnjsal(a)> wrote:
> > I know it comes from the suffix -tuple, which makes me think
> > it's pronounced as 'toople', but I've seen (at that
> > the first pronunciation option is 'tuhple', so I wasn't sure.
> > Maybe it's both, but which is most prevalent?
> In my expereince, the latter. I don't think I've ever heard
> the other pronounciation.

I used to pronounce it toople. But the people that taught me Python
found it both comical and confusing. At first they thought I meant a 2
element tuple. So they wondered if a 3 element tuple was a threeple,
etc. After much harrassing, I changed my wayward ways and pronounced
it tuhple to fit in with the cool Python guys. ;-)

Then we went to hear Guido speak about Python 2.2 at a ZPUG meeting in
Washington, DC. When he said toople I almost fell out of my chair
laughing, particularly because the people who taught me to say it the
"right" way were with me. When I looked over, they just hung their
head in shame.

I work with Guido now and I'm conflicted. I'm still conditioned to say
tuhple. Whenever he says toople, I just get a smile on my face. I
think most of the PythonLabs guys pronounce it toople.


From: on
John Salerno wrote:
> I know it comes from the suffix -tuple, which makes me think it's
> pronounced as 'toople', but I've seen (at that the first
> pronunciation option is 'tuhple'

I went to university in Pittsburgh and work in Washington, DC. I've
only ever heard it as toople.

If I heard someone say tuhple, I'd probably thing of Iago's words to
Desdemona's father along the lines of "that ram is tupping your ewe".
But I'm easily amused by alternate pronunciations.

From: Steve Holden on
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Feb 2006 23:30:25 -0500, Steve Holden <steve(a)>
> declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
>>I teach on both sides of the Atlantic, and have learned to draw a mental
>>breath before trying to pronounce the word "router". Americans find the
>>British pronunciation ("rooter") hilarious, despite the fact they tell
>>me I drive on "Root 66" to get to DC. The Brits are politer, and only
>>snigger behind my back when I pronounce it as Americans do, to rhyme
>>with "outer".
> Strange... I never knew Route 66 got that far east... As I recall,
> it runs (ran) from ~Los Angeles across the southwest before making an
> upward turn through Missouri (where it passed just outside of Ft.
> Leonard Wood) and there from meandered through St. Louis and up toward
> Chicago...
The Route 66 that runs past Manassas and into DC appears to be a
completely different Interstate from the one made famous by the Chuck
Berry song, and I was really confused by it when I moved to the DC Metro

> Then again, from the "new world" perspective... A "route" is a fixed
> path between points... A "router" is something that dynamically
> determines paths -- so it may be seen as a different derivation...
> {Or as I learned on my previous department: A pub's a bar, a bar's a
> gate, a gate's a street}

Steve Holden +44 150 684 7255 +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006

From: Ben Wilson on
Yeah, I was going to say it's "I-66," not "Route 66," which has been
replaced in pertainent parts by I-40.


From: Roy Smith on
In article <mailman.1806.1139805039.27775.python-list(a)>,
Steve Holden <steve(a)> wrote:

> I teach on both sides of the Atlantic, and have learned to draw a mental
> breath before trying to pronounce the word "router".

It took me a while to get used to that too, but honestly, the warm beer was
much more difficult to deal with. It's supposed to be cold on the way in
and warm on the way out.

My other problem is that I'm into woodworking as well as computers. When
I'm mindlessly browsing news and see an article headline that says
something like "router bits", I often have to stop and think about in which
context I'm supposed to interpret that (a router is a woodworking tool,
into which you can fit a variety of cutting bits).