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masm linking from console
Hello all, I'm a newbie with Masm and assembly in general, and up to now I've been letting Visual Studio handle the assembly and linking of my projects (using tweaks to VS supplied by the author of my book on MASM). Now I'm trying the command line and I can't produce an executable.  I keep getting linker fatal... 5 Jun 2007 03:08
(a) Write an assembly language program to accept a decimal number and display it's two's complement representation in binary and hexadeimal formats. (5 Marks) Ans. Convert . Input type can be H, D or B msdos equ 21h ; MSDOS irq fwrite equ 40h ; write to file with handle exit equ 4c00h ; msdos exit mov ax,cs ; g... 12 May 2007 08:05
Q1: (a) Write an assembly language program to accept a decimal number and display it's two's complement representation in binary and hexadeimal formats. (b) Write an 8086 assembly language program that will compute: 2.0* log10 X for x = 0.1, 1.0, 10.0, 100.5, 1000.0, and six other values using a loop. All val... 23 May 2007 15:52
RIP relative adresses
"cr88192" wrote: just figured, maybe a few people can offer comments here: some assemblers apparently make RIP-relative addressing the default in long-mode, and others making absolute the default. for example, in many assemblers: mov rax, [foo] ... foo dq 0x0123456789ABCDEF handl... 28 Apr 2007 03:18
Is hex an ascii thing?
In English hexadecimal notation uses the first 6 characters of the Latin character set ( A-F ) to represent the values 10 to 15. If your native language uses a different character set, for example Cyrillic or Greek, do you use the first 6 characters of that set or: Is hex an ascii thing? Mike Gonta look and... 13 Apr 2007 23:51
DIV overflow
Hello All (und Hallo Herbert der fremdspracher), What are good solutions to preventing DIV overflow? If I have: INCLUDE dividend DWORD 20001000h divisor WORD 1000h ..code main PROC mov dx, WORD PTR dividend + 2 mov ax, WORD PTR dividend mov bx, divisor div bx ;<== over... 3 Apr 2007 06:17
ascii to tword - help
Hi guys someone knows how to convert an null terminated ascii string to tword ? (80 bits) I suceeded to convert an ascii to qword, making an similar function as atoi64, but i can´t extend the convertion to 80 bits. Some one knows how to convert? Also for 128 bit would be good too :) Btw: If someone have a... 5 Apr 2007 14:59
<rugxulo(a)> wrote in message news:1174103399.290410.244310(a) OctaOS is a quite nice little boot OS, in my opinion. But most of it is in assembly (Octasm) with very little of a standard C lib implemented, so don't get your hopes up, DJGPP fans. But do have fun! :-... 17 Mar 2007 01:59
How to Insert a textbox into HTML Table.
Hello All, I am creating HTML Editor where user can dynamicall add table and can add a text box into the table. But i am facing some problem. following is the code i have made plz help me out. Thx in advance. <HTML xmlns:mytb> <HEAD> <META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0"> <link REL=... 12 Mar 2007 11:31
Clock cycles list - help
Hi guys i´m looking for some table or any documentation that can contains the clock cycles (and instruction lenght) of the mnemonics related to Packed Data, like: ADDPD, ADDPS, CVTTPD2DQ etc. Someone have a link containing those kind of informations ? Best Regards, guga ... 10 Mar 2007 15:47
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