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Automatically finish a word I begin typing in Excel?
How do you order the computer to finish off words once you've begun typing if it's come across them already? ... 1 May 2010 08:43
generating random numbers without repeats
In a1:a20 I have numbers 1-20. I need to put these numbers randomly in columns B to M without any numbers repeating across the rows. Is this possible? ... 1 May 2010 10:57
Unique entries based on condition - count distinct
Hi, I'm really struggling with what I thought should be easy. A B C D branch salesperson transaction num Item code I'm trying to the number of unique saples people in each branch, the number of unique tranactions by each sales person, a... 1 May 2010 05:29
How do I make sorts default to using the header row?
I am using Excel 2003 under Windows XP Professional SP3 (as I recall it). I am a writer, and I use a spreadsheet to sort material for books, using three columns, ch, pt and no, (chapter part and number). Every so often, out of the blue, Excel forgets the standard three-part search and defaults to not using a ... 1 May 2010 00:05
Setting Scope of name ranges to particular worksheet
Excel 2003 - I set up one worksheet, assigned ranges and use macros to process data based on those ranges. Then I made copies within workbook with some changes not involving macros. Surprisingly I saw ranges with same name but "scope" only each particular worksheet. Great because same macros common to these ... 1 May 2010 08:43
copy offset rows
I have a column of names in consecutive rows. I want to copy them to another sheet where the 1st name is in row 5 then the 2nd name is in row 15 etc with an increase of 10 rows between the copied names. If I try to copy a formula it just takes every 10th name not the next one. ... 30 Apr 2010 22:59
Help me create sales chart based on state and quantity
We have a production report on excel. It shows the details for our clients. Part of that data includes the state in which the client lives. We are trying to create a chart showing the percentages of each state( so we know where the most deals are closed) Any suggestions? ... 3 May 2010 05:31
! Stolen by Sanketham ! Excel Function Dictionary
I wrote the Excel function dictionary over 10 years ago. I have given it away free for all of this time. Now someone has ripped it off and is passing it on as his own work. That person is a thief. The web site is The download is I have aske... 1 May 2010 14:19
Freeze column headers for ledger sheets
I'm working with multiple Ledger Sheets (Account Balance, Credit Card Statement, etc...) and the column headers will only show on the first page, and I would like to see them at the top of every page. Freeze Panes is grayed out, but freezing the top row is exactly what I want to happen. Do ledger sheets have ... 1 May 2010 03:20
linking to access database
i have a pivot table in excel that is linked to a query in an access database. two questions... i have modified the query to include an additional column. when i go to show the field list in excel, the new column does not appear. i have tried going through the pivot table wizard, but that did not seem to ma... 30 Apr 2010 17:27
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