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Workbook pivot table design function
I used Sheet1 as the data source to create a pivot table in a new worksheet which I named Sheet PT. Is it possible to design the workbook so that I can delete the data in Sheet1 and then paste new data with more or less rows in Sheet1 and have the pivot table in Sheet PT update to reflect the new data that has... 21 Feb 2010 22:44
Drop down menu
How do you edit a drop down menu's location? -- Thanks, George ... 21 Feb 2010 13:47
Open Workbook at a certain time
How can I open a particular workbook at a specified time of day. For instance how could I automatically open a workbook called IRS at 2:00AM every day? Thank for your help. Jim Walsh ... 20 Feb 2010 09:07
Plase tell how to change Bahttext formula is converting number to thai text but we need in English, how to change thai text to english, please give feed back, any special format is required for that,if yes please give step by step formating RAJEEV wrote: HOW TO USE BAHTTEXT FORMULA 28-Jan-10 HOW ... 20 Feb 2010 05:53
Sumproduct formula
Hi All Is there a smarter way of doing this SUMPRODUCT formula? I'm finding different duration totals and multiplying the total by a different ratio for each duration e.g. find the 30 durations and multiple by the 30 ratio of 0.5 (cell name = 'thirty'), find the 5 durations and multiple by the 5 ratio of 0... 21 Feb 2010 03:51
Entering a Value & Updating the Next Empty Cell in a Range
I would like to enter values in a single cell and have it update each time the next consecutive empty cell in a cell range. For example, cell c5 is the data entry cell: Each time I enter a value the next empty cell in range a10 through a20 is updated. And the previous entered is frozen to values. I am think... 25 Feb 2010 00:25 Kit completo de Solenoides ( solenoid ) + chicotePara Cambio automatico 01M hidramatico Audi A3 Vw Golf gti turbo 79245
Contato: marvendas(a) marvendas @ marvendas no Kit completo de solenoides para Volkswagem e Audi. O kit contem: 5 solenoides 2 Epc ( solenoides de pressao ) 1 Chicote Serve para qualquer modelo VW ou Audi fabricados de 1995 ate hoje com o cambio automatico de 4 marchas � 01M Pre�o: R$ ... 19 Feb 2010 22:13 Kit completo deSolenóides ( solenoid ) + chicote Para Câmbio automatico 01M hidramatico Audi A3 Vw Golf gti turbo 81875
Contato: marvendas(a) marvendas @ marvendas no Kit completo de solen�ides para Volkswagem e Audi. O kit cont�m: 5 solen�ides 2 Epc ( solenoides de press�o ) 1 Chicote Serve para qualquer modelo VW ou Audi fabricados de 1995 at� hoje com o cambio autom�tico de 4 marchas � 01M Pre�o: R$ ... 19 Feb 2010 21:07
Formula Help
I have first names in one column and last names in a second column and I need to combine them in one column for an import. The formula I usually use is =A1&" "&B1 but for some reason it doesn't want to work for this spreadsheet. It's Office 2007 and I've saved the file as a regular worksheet. Any ideas? ... 19 Feb 2010 18:53
Transfering data from a .pdf file to word and then to excel
Could someone provide a macro that would unmerge and of the cell in excel and then delete all of the blank cells. Thank you in advance! Best, David ... 19 Feb 2010 17:46
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