From: ~BD~ on

----- Original Message -----
From: "David H. Lipman" <DLipman~nospam~@Verizon.Net>
Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2010 4:21 AM
Subject: Re: Is MBAM a 100% safe application?

> From: "Max Wachtel" <maxpro4u(a)>
> | The point is that the mod thought the image was in violation and his
> | opinion is all that matters. BD was warned by the mod that the pic
> was
> | unacceptable and that is that. He was banned. End of story.
> No, he received no warning.

Ah! The truth at last! :) I received NO warning.

> After the 1st post with the attached graphic, the post was
> removed.

When I checked to make sure it was there - it wasn't. I know full well
things go awry when computing, so I simply re-posted the image NOT
to cause offense - it was meant to be a bit of fun!

> After the 2cnd post, he was subsequently banned.

Indeed I was. A silly fit of pique in my opinion - unless there is more
this incident than meets the eye.

A question for David Lipman - please advise - just *how* do you know
this is an accurate picture of what happened? Dustin Cook ( a
employee?) said a while ago, incorrectly, that a warning *was* issued!
reading here need to know whose word they can trust!

Dave BD

From: Bullwinkle on
So call off your fatass pig nose lap dog troll.

"~BD~" <BoaterDave(a)> wrote in message

Dave BD

From: David H. Lipman on
From: "~BD~" <BoaterDave(a)>

| ----- Original Message -----
| From: "David H. Lipman" <DLipman~nospam~@Verizon.Net>
| Newsgroups:
| alt.privacy.spyware,alt.comp.anti-virus,alt.comp.virus,
| Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2010 4:21 AM
| Subject: Re: Is MBAM a 100% safe application?

>> From: "Max Wachtel" <maxpro4u(a)>

>> | The point is that the mod thought the image was in violation and his
>> | opinion is all that matters. BD was warned by the mod that the pic
>> was
>> | unacceptable and that is that. He was banned. End of story.

>> No, he received no warning.

| Ah! The truth at last! :) I received NO warning.

>> After the 1st post with the attached graphic, the post was
>> removed.

| When I checked to make sure it was there - it wasn't. I know full well
| that
| things go awry when computing, so I simply re-posted the image NOT
| intending
| to cause offense - it was meant to be a bit of fun!

>> After the 2cnd post, he was subsequently banned.

| Indeed I was. A silly fit of pique in my opinion - unless there is more
| to
| this incident than meets the eye.

| A question for David Lipman - please advise - just *how* do you know
| that
| this is an accurate picture of what happened? Dustin Cook ( a
| Malwarebytes
| employee?) said a while ago, incorrectly, that a warning *was* issued!
| Folk
| reading here need to know whose word they can trust!

People know they can't trust YOU !~

It doesn't matter the content of the picture and it doesn't matter that you didn't receive
a warning.

Both are moot points just READ the AUP/ToS that YOU agreed to. Nothing in there states
about and form of warning.

All that matters is that you violated the AUP/ToS you agreed to and thus you were ToS'd.

End of Story !

Multi-AV -

From: Rhonda Lea Kirk Fries on
David H. Lipman wrote:
> From: "Max Wachtel" <maxpro4u(a)>
>> The point is that the mod thought the image was in violation and
>> his opinion is all that matters. BD was warned by the mod that
>> the pic was unacceptable and that is that. He was banned. End of
>> story.
> No, he received no warning. After the 1st post with the attached
> graphic, the post was removed.

For a normally intelligent person, the removal of the post would be warning

> After the 2cnd post, he was subsequently banned.

He's not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Rhonda Lea Kirk Fries

The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to
be taken seriously. Hubert H. Humphrey

From: David H. Lipman on
From: "Rhonda Lea Kirk Fries" <rhondaleakirk(a)>

| David H. Lipman wrote:
>> From: "Max Wachtel" <maxpro4u(a)>

>>> The point is that the mod thought the image was in violation and
>>> his opinion is all that matters. BD was warned by the mod that
>>> the pic was unacceptable and that is that. He was banned. End of
>>> story.

>> No, he received no warning. After the 1st post with the attached
>> graphic, the post was removed.

| For a normally intelligent person, the removal of the post would be warning
| enough.

>> After the 2cnd post, he was subsequently banned.

| He's not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Not even an 'edge'.

Multi-AV -