Hi people, does anyon know why i get this kind of error? I am trying to build a GUI and each time i do copy paste, i get this error or warning. thanks in advance Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -2 at sun.awt.X11.XMenuBarPeer.getLeftSelected(Unknown Source) at ... 8 Feb 2007 11:42
interpreting the values from xcorr
Hi all, I have some doubts on finding the time delay between 2 signals. Ok, i am dealing with a project that requires me to find out the time delay between 2 analog input signals capturing the same sound source. I acquired 40000 samples of each input signal( say x(t) and y(t)). Then i decided to make use o... 9 Feb 2007 10:23
Adaptive median filter
Does anyone know where I might find an efficient median filter that adapts the size of the filtering kernel according to object edge information, so as to better conserve object borders? ... 6 Feb 2007 12:15
Bioinformatics toolbox
Hi, I am using matlab version 7 and when i type mitochondria = getgenbank('NC_001807','SequenceOnly',true); it gives this error: Warning: Unable to get GenBank information for access number NC_001807. Trying FASTA... In getgenbank at 73 ??? Error using ==> bioinfo\private\getncbidata Can not interpre... 6 Feb 2007 11:43
Figure & Axes plotting, 3-D OpenGL rendering?
I have an axis on my GUI "axGuiPlot". If I generate a cylinder on the GUI axis the shape of the cylinder is correct but you can not see the ends of the cylinder, ie it loos like a big blob. If I use the commented out code below, and let a new figure be generated, figure(5), then when I create the cylinder you can s... 6 Feb 2007 11:43
Size of index expression is not statically kno
Martin wrote: Hi I have the following code in a for-loop: lineX = ceil(i/blocksh)*bw; lineYdown=0; lineYup=0; lineYdown = ceil( inversmatrix(i)/blocksw )*bh; lineYup = lineYdown-bh+1; lineXright = lineX; lineXleft = lineXright-bw+1; frameWithMotion = image( lineYup:lineYdown... 9 Feb 2007 15:40
textscan command problem
Good day, everyone! I am having some trouble writing a command with textscan to read-in the data I am using for my research. The .dmb file has 9 columns of data that I wish to access, though not every line will be needed (lines starting with character S are to be skipped). I can read in the first 5 fields of th... 5 Feb 2007 08:37
mvncdf in MATLAB 7.3.0(R2006b)
Hi I'm trying to use function MVNCDF. it's working OK if I'm only specifying upper limit X mvncdf(X,mu,sigma) But when I'm specyfing upper and lower limit like: mvncdf(xl,xu,mu,sigma) i got error mesage: "Error using ==> mvncdf Dimentions of X, MU, and SIGMA must agree." i test it on very ... 2 Feb 2007 09:21
5X5 Matrice in Matlab
Hi all, How do you construct this following in Matlab?? and for the similar probs in what way should i think? 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 thanks in advance! Baris ... 6 Feb 2007 04:13
Using pack in a function or a script
Hi, I am trying to run a simulation in a matlab script. It has multiple iterations. I tried to use the pack in the script but it gives the following warning: Warning: PACK can only be used from the MATLAB command line. What can I do to solve this problem? I read online it speeds up simulation but i am not sure... 31 Jan 2007 19:18