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Date null from VFP
Hi i need to extract data from .DBF tables, but when i bring the data and the column with "date" don't have any data i see the date: 30/12/1899 12:00:00 a.m. in the grid and i don't want to see anythink in that cases, this is part of my code for that: cmd.CommandText = "select numcon19 as contenedor, fcarta19... 8 Jun 2010 14:54
Fail to preview CR
I can preview the report very well in my PC. however, When I publish to the server I got the following error I had already plug all Crystsal.dll to the bin, some news said , install the merge module, I had find the merge module but don't know how to do . Please help . Configuration Error Description: An e... 9 Jun 2010 01:01
web page launches bat, hangs
Not sure which the right fora are for this but the one obvious choice hasn't been very helpful... I have an ASP.Net page that is used to launch certain jobs using System.Diagnostics.Process, based on a config. The config also allows the web master to set which creds to use running the app - effected through ... 14 Jun 2010 12:54
From Desktop to Web base application
Hi there! We are thinking on moving our desktop applications to web based. I am sending this message to collect some experience, know issues, and anything that will help us to move forward. we are planning to use 4, Sql 2005 or 2008 on windows 2008 we are in the learning process right now. thanks a ... 8 Jun 2010 13:45
Enter behaviour on textbox
Hi, I have a multiview view with a panel on it and in that panel a table with several controls (2 dropdown,3 textbox, 2 button, 1 gridview). When data is entered in one textbox and button1 is pressed, it puts the data in a gridview. Since the data in the textbox is a number I want it to respond to the Enter... 10 Jun 2010 03:28
Best way to merge a blog engine into my website
I want to add a blog to my existing site. I see that there are quite a few free complete blog software kits available. I'd like to try to install one along side my existing website. I'm guessing one way is to combine the Global.asax, default.aspx and web.Config files so that there is only one website entry ... 10 Jun 2010 13:26
HyperLink control and HTML encoding
If I have a hyperlink control like this: <asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" runat="server" Text="&'><" ToolTip="&'><" NavigateUrl="~/"> </asp:HyperLink> it renders as: <a id="HyperLink1" title="&amp;&#39;>&lt;" href="/">&'><</a> Am I to understand that the Text attribute's value is never encoded, a... 7 Jun 2010 10:47
DataBind Repeater to string[] in ViewData without code behind. MVC 2
On May 23, 10:56 am, "Roger Frost" <fros...(a)> wrote: Greetings, I'm coming from a WinForms background and diving into ASP.Net. I'm using: C#, VS2010, .Net 4.0, ASP.Net, MVC 2. What I want to do is get a string[] of roles in the controller with:      string[] currentUsersRoles = Rol... 9 Jun 2010 06:26
web.config and Anonymous Authentication problems ???
Impossible to add control on WebForm ==> make sure path of project doesn't contain a '#' ********************************************************************************************************************************* Is it possbile to create a webcontrols library ? (cfr. WinControls library) ***********... 5 Jun 2010 06:00
link textboxes in gridview EditItem template using javascript
Please could you help? I have 2 textboxes in a gridview EditItemTemplate. These are template controls. When I type in the "Amount" textbox I want to fill in the "Percent" textbox ************************************************************ Here's my markup, which successfully fires the javascript <asp:Templat... 5 Jun 2010 01:43
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