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simple questions about the DFT and its limits of integration
Hello Forum, given a discrete signal x[n] of N samples, the DFT X[k] will also have N samples. The limits of the summation of the DFT can be for k that goes from -N to (N/2)-1 or from 0 to N-1, correct? DOes it give the same result? More generally, I guess we can pick any arbitrary integer n0, and make the lim... 5 May 2010 16:00
AQuA Powered Asterisk Voice Quality Monitoring Solution
AQuA technology powered Asterisk voice qualty monitring solution: - Asterisk-powered dialer software - Web Interface - UNIX/Linux Cron-based Schedule Logic - Open-Source Code - Graphing Monitoring Stats - MySQL Database for Call Records - MOS - PESQ - R-Value - Volume / Amplitude Difference. More info, ... 2 May 2010 04:27
Amplitude modulation -- misnamed?
Shouldn't amplitude modulation really be called "Magnitude Modulation"? After all, in FM, the amplitude is still being modulated, but the magnitude is constant. Or maybe I have too much time on my hands. S. ... 4 May 2010 15:40
As a resident of NC, and specifically the triangle (Raleigh/Durham/RTP) for 12 years, I recommend it. Since you have lived there for quite a while, I was wondering if you could tell me where (company or sector) a C#.NET/C/MATLAB software engineer would work in NC ? I heard that there are a lot of jobs ... 1 May 2010 18:41
Fourier transform and stationary signals.....
Hello Forum, the Fourier integral is said to be good only for stationary signals. Clearly, given a signal f(t) of a certain duration T, we do its FT and find the composing spectral components. We could also break the signal into sections and do the FT of each section: perform the STFT.... IF the FT of each se... 30 Apr 2010 11:42
Fourier transform of an integral
Hello Forum, I am trying to find out what is the FT of the integral of a generic function f(t) with arbitrary and finite limits of integration a and b. Most textbooks give the FT of the integral of a function with lower limit=-infinity and upper limit equal to t. Why? Why not use general limits of integr... 30 Apr 2010 16:15
NJ, MA or NC
Hello, As a software engineer (signal processing algorithms) with experience in C#.NET, C and MATLAB and an interest in audio signals and algorithms, which of the following 3 states would you recommend to move to when it comes to overall quality of life? North Carolina, New Jersey or Massachusetts ? ... 1 May 2010 08:42
Polynomial used to create Galois field for AES?
Hi There, (My apologies for cross-posting) The following polynomial is used to create a "Galois field" GF(2^8) which is specified in the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES): p(x) = x^8 + x^4 + x^3 + x + 1. However, I checked the polynomial (quickly using Matlab) whether it is primitive. It turns out not to ... 29 Apr 2010 12:22
biquad for resonant lowpass
Hi all, Just found this piece of code from my old collection. But could not find where it came from? Can anyone shed some light? I know it is from butterworth and bilinear transform. But seemed not quite that, particularlly the resonanceDB to r part. ----------------------------------------------- c = 1.0 / (... 28 Apr 2010 17:25
Low frequency FFT analysis
Hi, We have a low frequency (<100Hz) motion control system which we need to spectrum analyze. Does anyone know of an easy-to-use spectrum analyzer tool that is applicable for low frequencies? It also needs to support low frequency bandpass filters, e.g. around 5 Hz. We're currently using SigView, but this seem... 30 Apr 2010 07:16
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