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I have loan numbers that consist of all numbers or alphanumeric fields. Not all loan numbers have the same digits, however, they are all formatted to 35 character spaces. For example, one loan might be 123 (with zeros in front) and another loan would be 1245523, and another could be 1234abc1345. I need to fo... 13 May 2010 13:50
IIF function help in query
Hello, I have the following field in the query to look at a field PartDesc, if any of the text have a *BUSH* word, return yes, otherwise no. BUSH: IIF(PartDesc= Like *BUSH*, "yes","no") Why the Like *BUSH* not working? Thanks ... 13 May 2010 14:56
Query from day of week
I need assistance in creating the formula to select one week ago Wednesday through Thursday of the current week. This query needs the ability to be run on any day of the week. Below is the formula I have in place but it returns 8 days ago through yesterday. If this is run on Wednesday it works correctly but I n... 17 May 2010 14:40
FROM and JOIN Problems
Probably basics to you guys but still having loads of trouble and would appriciate any help. I have a table "tblNames" consisting of [ID] [firstname] [surname] [email] I have another table "Master" [ID] [Name] [Email] [Notes] - there is a form built from this table "Issues" Field Master.Name combines tblNa... 13 May 2010 07:11
Is there anything wrong with the syntax
It gave me synatx error from clause? SELECT GL Finance Credit Query.* FROM GL Finance Credit Query UNION ALL SELECT GL Finance Debit Query.* FROM GL Finance Debit Query; -- Message posted via ... 13 May 2010 02:54
Real 10 random records
Hi could you please help, I am new to Access I have 60 Brands and each Brand have more than 2K customers I am trying to pick 40 customer from each brand randomly, and I have failed fields in the table Customer # email Brand ID You help is much appreciated thanks ... 12 May 2010 18:07
Problem with query
I have not seen anything like this before but: 1. I am querying a table with completed invoices to get those from a selected fiscal period. The period (quarter) is selected from a combobox. Columns 2 and 3 contain the start and end dates of the quarter. The query is only kicked off from a button on the "frmC... 12 May 2010 21:27
Group By or MAX Question
I have a root ID field. I have a close date field. There can be more than one record with the same root ID. I need to pull only one of them with the latest close date. Thank you. ... 12 May 2010 17:00
Query and date selection
I test to see if a reservation begins between 11/15-3/31 of any year. So far I have come up with, for the reservation begin date: Between #11/15/2009# And #12/31/2009# Or Between #1/1/2009# And #3/31/2009# This, of course, only tests for 2009. Can I use a year wildcard? Is there a better way? Thanks ... 13 May 2010 10:29
Show only this year
I'm stuck. I can't change the following statement correctly to show only the current year in addition to the current month. It pulls the prior years! SELECT DISTINCTROW [FC Customers].* FROM [FC Customers] WHERE (((Month([Date]))=Month(Now()))); Help! ... 12 May 2010 17:00
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