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How to "harvest" the contents of a hidden or "about blank" web
Dear Tom: Here's the error message I get when I try to do what you suggested: strTitle = "Date String" MsgBox GetIEWindowText(strTitle) '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Function GetIEWindowText(sTitle) Dim IE, stype For Each IE In CreateObject("Shell.Application").windows sType = typename(IE.d... 1 Jul 2010 16:43
VBScript to add local accounts on multiple machines
It's supposed to just read from a file with a list of hostnames, read from a file with a list of account names, loop through them, create the accounts on each host and add that account to local admin (these are all local accounts). I'm a bit new to VBScript, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, when I debug, it ... 29 Jun 2010 08:33
A new HTA based message box
Thanks for a very interesting post/threads highlighting some of the distinctions between HTAs and simple IE. If I understand correctly, the philosophy of the HTA is, "Gee, this IE was initiated by VBScript, therefore perhaps its not unreasonable to give the script proper access." So why isn't the same philosoph... 1 Jul 2010 05:37
A new HTA based message box
About ten days ago I adapted a Mayayana solution to create a "chromeless" msgbox replacement. The thread can be found here: At the time I figured the only thing objectionable about the approach was that it fla... 29 Jun 2010 17:25
Excel inputfile
Can anybody help me with a script . I want to read the input file ( the file is a csv file ) in the script : Inputfile : 145,Windows Server 2003 487 Windows XP 211,Windows 2000 Here is the script : Const xlDataLabelsShowPercent = 2 '3 Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") objExcel.Vis... 24 Jun 2010 09:37
Simplifying a repetitive vbs script
I developed this script to change smart quotes and apostrophes to straight ones. I select the text, run the VBS file, it makes the changes, and then copies the changed text to the Clipboard. It words, but the code I have seems clunky and repetitive. Is there a more economical way of doing the same thing? Thanks... 25 Jun 2010 07:43
Seek another VBA to Powerscript translation
This might be a good one for Old Dog. I'd like to run this script as powershell.exe myscript.psl I tried to translate it myself - but when I run it it hangs. Here is the VBA: Sub sendMessage() Dim p As CommunicatorAPI.Messenger Dim r As CommunicatorAPI.IMessengerConversationWndAdvanced Dim... 22 Jun 2010 19:23
vbscript to get photos from ldap provider
Hi All.... I'm trying to connect to an ldap provider and pull user photos and save them to file. The vbscript i'm using runs fine (kinda sorta). It does connect and pull the photos out and saves them to file, but it only pulls the first 500 users and then I get this error "Provider: The size limit for this requ... 21 Jun 2010 10:14
vbscript to get photos from ldap provider
Hi All.... I'm trying to connect to an ldap provider and pull user photos and save them to file. The vbscript i'm using runs fine (kinda sorta). It does connect and pull the photos out and saves them to file, but it only pulls the first 500 users and then I get this error "Provider: The size limit for this requ... 21 Jun 2010 10:14
search file on computer remote
Hi, i would like to create script VBS, which search an file in remote computer. This is my script, but doesn't work: Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") strComputer = pcremote if objFSO.FileExists("\\" & strComputer &"D:\H4PDF\toto2.txt") Then MsgBox "Fichier toto OK", vbExclamation Else Ms... 21 Jun 2010 12:28
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