From: cjcountess on
I have a geometrical interpretation of E=mc^2, which I show is = to
Einstien's and Minkowsky's ict and as such accomplishes alot of the
same things as your theory, which you say = ic.

By showing that energy equals matter at a conversion frequency/
wavelength of "c" in the liniear direction times "c" in the 90 degree
angular direction, which creates a 90 degree arc trejectory, which if
constant creates a circle, for a balence of centrifugal and
centripital forces. I can show how. not only enrgy and matter are
equvalent, but space, time, charge, gravity, and temp, at this
coversion frequency/wavelength of c^2. It unifys special and general
relativity, as well as quantum physics, and alot more just as yours
does. But I can also show that the Planck length,time, and mass, is
not derived from, (c=h/2pi=G) but (c^2=h/2pi=G)and thus c^2 is the
level at which the Planck unites of M,L,E,G,Q,T and the others emerge
and are unified. But I am not here to argue any point just to say that
I am glad that you put this together as I can collaborate with some of
it. I also like how you prepare the reader by trying to get them to
approach this with an open mind as opposed to veiwing it in the light
of previously accepted theorys. I only ask that viewers approach my
idea in the same manner.

Conrad J Countess

From: cjcountess on
Oh yeh shakespeare physics

I do think that gravity can be quantitized in same way as energy and
mass as E or M = hf/c^2 becaues of the inertial mass / gravity mass
equvalence. The gravity constant of energy is (c = h) and the gravity
constant of rest mass is (c^2 = G h/2pi). This can be seen through
comparing (E=mc^2 with F=mv^2) (E=hf/c^2 with F=mv/r^2) and (E=hf/c^2
and F= Mm/r^2)(E=hf = mc^2 and F= Gmm/r^2). The equations in each set
of brakets are not only analogous to eachother, they are in direct
proportion to eachother, and are exactly equivalent on the quantum

Conrad J Countess
From: cjcountess on
I meant to write (c^2 = G = h/2pi) and (c = h)

This new foundation of Planck units of mass, length, time, and the
like, and uses the electron Compton wavelength = to hx2pi, which is
inverse of h/2pi, as measure of momentum, the reduced Compton
wavelength, which is just the radius of the Compton wavelength. which
I can show = Swartzchild radious, electron frequency time cycle, and
electron mass which is (mc^2).

Conrad J Countess
From: cjcountess on
This is Conrad Countess

Ahmed Quahi, Architect what is your theory?

I want to understand what you are trying to say.

Conrad J Counteaa
From: cjcountess on


Here is also a point where our theorys overlap. The expanding ground
state energy field of space, is the inertial foundation upon which
waves and rest mass build, and might even be considered to be surfing
the expanding space as well as building mass upon its foundation.

The background dark energy field, already has mass of (c = h), on
quantum level, and further builds mass by deflecting energy against
the speed of light barriear of c = h, in the liniear direction into
the 90 degree angular direction which creates waves and therefore
might be considered (surfing the field of expanding space at speed of
c). Tis energy progresses at rate of E=hf/c^2, creating more mass with
higher frequency, which contributes to higher kinetic energy, higher
mass , momentum and shorter wavelengths, as energy builds mass
increasing until it reaches c in the 90 degree angular direction which
together = c^2 as E=hf = mc^2 which is rest mass.

Conrad J Countess