From: BURT on
On Nov 8, 4:24 pm, cjcountess <cjcount...(a)> wrote:
> 2pi square root(L/g), as long as (c x 2 pi) = (c^2) as in my
> geometrical interpretation of (E=mc^2) = (E=mc^circled)  = (h x 2pi) =
> (c x 2 pi). This would make (2pi = c), in this special case, and just
> as c is sqrt of (c^2), so would (2pi). This would also = (G as L/T^2),
> as (c^2), is the ultimate (L/T^2), and also energy in circular motion,
> as (c in liniear direction x c in 90 degree angular direction)
> creating a (90 degree arc), which if constant creates a circle, and
> balence of centrifugal and centripital forces.
> It would also = Einstien and Minkowsky's, (c x sqrt-1) or (ct x
> sqrt-1) as I see not enough difference to invaldate this equality.
> (E=mc^2) = (E=mc^circled) = (ct x sqrt -1)  and (c = sqrt -1) also
> (c^2) = (h / 2 pi) = (c / 2pi)  for momentum and wavelengh being
> inversly proportional to it = (h x 2pi) = (c x 2 pi)
> Conrad J Countess

Aether flows at the speed of light. That is the maximum speed of a
signal in time.

Mitch Raemsch
From: cjcountess on
Got a question for you Mitch Raemsch

How do you explain gravity's apparent faster than light probigation?
Is this illusion or what?

Conrad J Countess
From: Ahmed Ouahi, Architect on
Unfortunately or a fortunately, this is what, it has had been a major as an
extreme troubles to, einstien, but a people, in the meantime, in a general
and in a particular, they are not, or they are a definitely made not to see
any reality about the mentioned above...

However, as for instance, along the perimeter of a circle along a radius R,
when would cross 2piR, as a surface area of a sphere is a 4piR�...

Therefore, along that matter, the area of a circle would be piR�, as the
volume of a sphere is 4piR�, as the volume of a cube along an edge length R
would be R�, but a definitely the volume of a sphere along a radius R, would
be 4piR�/3...

However, something, that it is already known that the forces of nature are a
symmetrical matter, as does not have any difference along any directions,

Therefore, a simply means they are moving along a spherical symmetry, all
along, and this is what is all abot along that matter, a definitely as a
matter a fact...

Ahmed Ouahi, Architect
Best Regards!

"cjcountess" <cjcountess(a)> kirjoitti
> 2pi square root(L/g), as long as (c x 2 pi) = (c^2) as in my
> geometrical interpretation of (E=mc^2) = (E=mc^circled) = (h x 2pi) =
> (c x 2 pi). This would make (2pi = c), in this special case, and just
> as c is sqrt of (c^2), so would (2pi). This would also = (G as L/T^2),
> as (c^2), is the ultimate (L/T^2), and also energy in circular motion,
> as (c in liniear direction x c in 90 degree angular direction)
> creating a (90 degree arc), which if constant creates a circle, and
> balence of centrifugal and centripital forces.
> It would also = Einstien and Minkowsky's, (c x sqrt-1) or (ct x
> sqrt-1) as I see not enough difference to invaldate this equality.
> (E=mc^2) = (E=mc^circled) = (ct x sqrt -1) and (c = sqrt -1) also
> (c^2) = (h / 2 pi) = (c / 2pi) for momentum and wavelengh being
> inversly proportional to it = (h x 2pi) = (c x 2 pi)
> Conrad J Countess

From: BURT on
On Nov 8, 5:02 pm, cjcountess <cjcount...(a)> wrote:
> Got a question for you Mitch Raemsch
> How do you explain gravity's apparent faster than light probigation?
> Is this illusion or what?
> Conrad J Countess

When configuration of things with high mass change their gravity
surrounding them changes by their change of position. So changes in
gravity strength happen when configurations of mass move and change.
Changes in gravity are below the speed of light as objects move

Mitch Raemsch
From: dre on
Can anyone refute any of these proofs?

"Simple, logical proofs of MDT:

MDT PROOF#1: Relativity tells us that a timeless, ageless photon
remains in one place in the fourth dimension. Quantum mechanics tells
us that a photon propagates as a spherically-symmetric expanding
wavefront at the velocity of c. Ergo, the fourth dimension must be
expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c,
in a spherically-symmetric manner. The expansion of the fourth
dimension is the source of nonlocality, entanglement, time and all
arrows and asymmetries, c, relativity, entropy, free will, and all
motion, change, and measurement, for no measurement can be made
without change. For the first time in the history of relativity,
change has been wedded to the fundamental fabric of spacetime in MDT.
MDT PROOF#2: Einstein (1912 Man. on Rel.) and Minkowski wrote x4=ict.
Ergo dx4/dt=ic.
MDT PROOF#3: The only way to stay stationary in the three spatial
dimensions is to move at c through the fourth dimension. The only way
to stay stationary in the fourth dimension is to move at c through
three spatial dimensions. Ergo the fourth dimension is moving at c
relative to the three spatial dimensions.
MDT twitter proof (limited to 140 characters): SR: photon is
stationary in 4th dimension. QM: photon is probability wave expanding
@ c. Ergo: 4th dimension expands @ c & MDT: dx4/dt=ic -from [url][/url] "