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I've a executable - myb.exe created using Wise package studio. [input to Wise is the script file. I've specified to execute program Z:\fw.exe in script file. So role of the myb.exe is to launch Z:\fw.exe process] For some reason myb.exe is not able to launch fw.exe process. So I attached windbg to myb.exe proces... 10 Oct 2006 08:53
Keyboard Filter and kbfiltr
Hello all, I am interested in converting the "kbfiltr" example in the Windows DDK from an upper keyboard filter driver i.e attaching to the i8042 port driver to another upperfilter driver (?) attaching above the keyboard class driver ( kbdclass.sys ). I was wondering if there would be a lot of work involved? It... 27 Sep 2006 17:19
Windows 2003 Performance vs. Windows 2000
We have a large compute and I/O intense application (image processing) that we run on Win 2k Server. Recently we moved to Win 2003 server and saw a dramatic performance loss, that we cannot explain. We ran tests on the same HW platform with both OS and saw factors of 15 - 20 for memory intensive operations and ... 24 Sep 2006 09:13
Mapping memory of another process
Hello, I would like to map a memory section of another process into my own process, which is a regular user-mode process. I know about shared memory with page file mappings, but in this case I am examining another process which is not my own. So far, I am using Read/WriteProcessMemory, which works, but is quite ... 22 Sep 2006 05:56
GetComputerObjectName() fails when called in auto-start serviceat boot time
Ben Voigt wrote: Sounds like Windows used cached credentials to log you in, and they aren't good enough for what you need. Hmmm... I'd accept that *if* my service was logging on as a domain user while the member server was in a disconnected state and then the API function was called *after* the member s... 16 Sep 2006 18:49
GetComputerObjectName() fails when called in auto-start service at boot time
"Chuck Chopp" <ChuckChopp(a)> wrote in message news:OEEriJ01GHA.4908(a)TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl... I have a service that needs to obtain the FDN [Fully Distinguished Name] of the local system's computer object in AD. This service is set to automatically start at boot time and runs as the "Local System" ac... 15 Sep 2006 19:36
loadlibrary mfc exe
Hi group, I am trying to load MFC exe module as dynamic link library and call an exported function from it: LoadLibrary("myapp1.exe") Myapp1Test(); The exe is loaded successfully and the function is entered, but whichever function is called exception raises. It seems as virtual addresses in the loaded ... 15 Sep 2006 02:44
Minifilter Memory mapped files
Hi, I am writing a filter driver that will encrypt/decrypt the file. The problem i am facing is when some application uses memory mapped files like MS Word or Wordpad to read the file. I cannot intercept the read call for this kind of files, no IRP_MJ_READ for this kinda files. Is there something special i have ... 7 Sep 2006 01:55
USB disk letter and properties
Hello I have to find all USB flash disks on machine and read corresponding device properties. I use SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo to find all devices on machine and call SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty with different Property param to obtain device information. For instance, for USB flash disk I get this : PDRP_LOC... 22 Aug 2006 06:01
Power Schemes created with WritePwrScheme not showing in Power Opt
I am having a problem when I try to create a set of 4 power options. I have a program that creates them by doing EnumPwrSchemes to get a starting point for each, reads the base schemes with ReadPwrScheme and then writes out the new schemes with WritePwrScheme. All functions return without error, and new entries... 15 Aug 2006 14:47
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