From: David H. Lipman on
From: "David Kaye" <sfdavidkaye2(a)>

| Leythos <spam999free(a)> wrote:

>>No, Copyright does not require anything that you suggest, copyright is
>>assumed as soon as you create the work. The authors identity is attached
>>in clear form to the work that was pirated and removed by PCButts1.

| One way to further verify the authorship of a work is to add something
| frivolous. In mapmaking, a cartographer will add a fake street. In software
| I used to add fake code that was never called -- it looked pretty but it
| didn't do anything.

Are you NOT reading what I have posted ?

Butts has consistently plagiarized the work of Stuart Saunders for the conglomeration of
plagiarized software called Remove-It. Stuart would update RogueFix and butts would soon
follow with an update to Remove-It so early on Stuart has placed public and non-public
markers in RogueFix to mark this constant plagiarism.

Public Marker #1

IF EXIST "%UserProfile%\application data\seilhturtlaereht.inf"

seilhturtlaereht.inf ==> Drop the .INF

seilhturtlaereht ==> theealtruthlies

Public Marker #2

IF EXIST "%UserProfile%\local settings\temp\obatssrsghde.exe" echo "%UserProfile%\local
IF EXIST "%UserProfile%\local settings\temp\obatssrsghde.exe" echo "%UserProfile%\local

The file; "%UserProfile%\local settings\temp\obatssrsghde.exe" is a fabrication. It does
not exist.

It, obatssrsghde.exe, is actually a file name in code.

obatssrsghde.exe ==> drop .EXE


increase character by 1 ==> pcbuttsthief

Multi-AV -

From: JD on
The Real Truth MVP wrote:
> Why don't you do something about it. You are so pissed at me that you
> come here and cry all day why don't you grow some balls and stop me. Or
> stop your bitching crybaby.

You have been compromised. Nobody believes your bs. We're not "pissed
off" at you, we're tired of your bs and we've let everyone know about
you. You've been stopped or why else would you keep posting your bs
trying to convimce everyone that you're really OK.

Get some help Chris. Really. There is something wrong with you.

From: David Kaye on
"David H. Lipman" <DLipman~nospam~@Verizon.Net> wrote:

>Are you NOT reading what I have posted ?

Generally speaking I have NOT been reading these threads because the "he
said/she said" is tiresome to read. Personally, I don't care who has
plagiarized whom and who is accusing whom of what.

I am only on this newsgroup to learn about malware. When I no longer get
useful information here I will drop this newsgroup.

>plagiarized software called Remove-It. Stuart would update RogueFix and butts
> would soon
>follow with an update to Remove-It so early on Stuart has placed public and
> non-public
>markers in RogueFix to mark this constant plagiarism.

Then the original author should get a cease and desist order or sue the
miscreant, that is, if the matter is that important. But all this bitching
here is not going to solve anything.

From: Virus Guy on
JD wrote:

> > I'm simply asking who is the other claimed author of this
> > contentious code.

> > So I'm asking who exactly should be given that attribution or
> > recognition *if* indeed we are dealing with improper code
> > usage.

> Here is the real truth:

Nothing you posted (and which I am not going to quote) answers my
question (above).

> Virusguy, what is the point you're trying to make?

I'm asking a question, and everyone is dancing around answering it.

If PC butts is not the author of the code in question, then who is?

How much simpler can I make that question?

To what new lengths are you people going to go through to avoid
answering the question?
From: Virus Guy on
FromTheRafters wrote:

> > I can only assume that since nobody else has bothered to post
> > the> names of these authors, [...]
> Ah, but they *have*.

Sorry, I don't play hide and seek.

There must be some reason why the names of these authors are not being
revealed here.

I want to believe that someone other than PC butts wrote this fantastic
code. But I can't until you give me the name of the real author(s).