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Help with adding info to Gridview
Here's my gridview I'm working with... TrainID Location TrainDate Times FullName Edit 6 ClassA 7/26/2010 9:00am Lisa Jones (want to add) Edit 7 ClassB 7/26/2010 11:00am Edit 8 ClassC 7/26/2... 20 Jul 2010 10:15
Hi, use the MySQL - Connector/Net With something like that you can access the DB. ---------------------------------------------------------------- public void check_DB_Daten(string dbserver, string dbuser, string dbpass, string dbport, string dbname, string dbtab... 20 Jul 2010 09:10
Looking for a NNTP server that discuss csharp/.net
Hello! I hope there might be some NNTP server left that has groups such as microsoft.public.dotnet.language.csharp because I prefer NNTP server before using Forum. //Tony ... 20 Jul 2010 12:28
losing sessions when running in StateServer mode
Hi All, We have problem with the session timeout. It is supposed to be 1 hour but the sessions variable are lost before that. I did some testings and the sessions are lost after a random number of minutes (35, 41, 44, 54, ....). I've checked the servers (Win Server 2003) application event logs and found noth... 1 Aug 2010 01:56
System.Web.IHttpHandler, System.Web.SessionState.IRequiresSess
Sorry for the delayed response. That was not exactly my issue, but close. I was able to resolve it. I didn't have a line enabling session state at all, so it was reverting to the machine.config definition. Anyway, thank you for the help. "Allen Chen [MSFT]" wrote: Hi, The common issue that ma... 20 Jul 2010 02:42
OdbcCommand exception - MySQL
Hi, I am using MySQL 5 and installed MySQl ODBC driver. I have a stored procedure, AddEmployee stored procedure: DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE `myCompany`.`AddEmployee`(EmployeeID VARCHAR(36), EmployeeGroup VARCHAR(10), EmployeeName VARCHAR(50)) BEGIN INSERT INTO EmployeeTable (ID, Group, Name) VALUE... 20 Jul 2010 00:33
Using layers won't return value from stored procedure
Hello Community In my ASP.Net program using C# I call a stored procedure but no memberno value returns. This is how I call the method from C#: int membernum = 0; dset = loadNewMember(memberno); membernum = memberno; --- This layer calls the stored procedure: public DataSet loadNewMember(int m... 19 Jul 2010 21:18
Validate in Navision.
Can anybody clarify what exact is the meaning of "Validate" Microsoft Navision?? ... 19 Jul 2010 13:34
Auto redirect http to https
Hi all, I hope this is the right forum for this question as I am having difficulty with SSL and an ASP.NET 3.5 website. I could not seem to find an appropriate forum on Social MSDN either. I have deployed an ASP.NET 3.5 application to a Windows 2003 IIS6 server. There are 10 domains and 15 separate websites, ... 19 Jul 2010 12:28
SqlConnection problem - MySQL
I have installed ODBC driver for MySQL. This is my Web.Config: <add name="spotitConnectionString" connectionString="DSN=MySQL_server;UID=spotit;description=Connection to remote MySQL;server=access;database=spotit;port=3306;pwd=traffic54" providerName="System.Data.Odbc"/> I had an exception of the connect... 20 Jul 2010 04:51
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