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I'm trying out the TTF_PARSELINKS flag on my tooltip. I get a link that looks fine, but I'm having problems clicking it, because if I move the cursor onto the ToolTip it immediately disappears. Any clues? Bendik ... 24 Feb 2006 05:21
CString to std::string
Hi, How to convert from CString to stl string? I tried many things and doesn't work. thanks ... 6 Mar 2006 05:35
Using VS2005 to ship legacy code for XP and Windows 2000.
If you want to publish a Windows application that runs on Windows 2000 or Windows XP, using the latest compiler (Visual Studio 2005), you can do so. Without requiring that you ship megabytes of code from the VS2005 runtime libraries (MSVCRT80.DLL and MFC80.DLL). Follow these steps: 1) Install the Windows Se... 13 Feb 2006 22:13
Trying to include <afxwin.h>
Hi, I'm trying to use the AfxBeginThread function that is declared within afxwin.h. however, each time I tried to #include <afxwin.h> , it throw me the error "fatal error C1189: #error : WINDOWS.H already included. MFC apps must not #include <windows.h>" so naturally I commented out the #include <windows.h>... 13 Feb 2006 23:15
CHTMLView and Flicker
Hi All, Has anyone come up with a good way to eliminate the flicker when you resize a CHTMLView? AliR. ... 9 Feb 2006 11:36
Creating CDialog in DLL?
I am creating a CDialog in a DLL using a Dialog template resource in the DLL. It seems to be working just fine but I was wondering if there was something wrong with the method I was using or if there was a better way to do what I was doing. Here's my function that creates the dialog: CDialog *NewDialog(CWnd *par... 2 Feb 2006 20:17
GetScrollBarInfo() not working with "Internet Explorer_Server" win
Internet Explorer application uses "Internet Explorer_Server" class type window to display the web pages. I want to detect whether the Horizontal Scroll bar is currently enabled/displayed or not. Using different methods we can get the handle of the "Internet Explorer_Server" the child window of Internet Explo... 1 Feb 2006 02:27
Problems with CString (Conversion from VC6 to VC2005)
Hi all, I have converted a project from VC6.0 to VC2005 (MFC). Now I have a compiling problem. Following error: error C2079: 'myString' uses undefined class 'CString'. CString should now be a template in place of a class. By another project theres is a forward declaration of 'class CString'. I get the fol... 28 Jan 2006 05:01
Crash in CAfxStringMgr::Free
I am getting a crash in CAFXStringMgr::Free on exit of my program. At the point , the runtime is terminating a number of DLLs. This crash happens when one DLL is being unloaded and destruction of the various C++ objects is happening. This is not a simple bug in one class. If I have ANY static CString objects i... 7 Feb 2006 12:33
How to create a FlexGrid dynamically (using MSFlxGrd.ocx)
Could someone help me with some code to create a flexgrid dynamically? I know how to add a flexgrid to a dialog, the visual studio then generates the wrapper msflexgrid class. But how would I do similar things if I need to create a flexgrid dynamically? Thanks in advance! ... 25 Jan 2006 12:12
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