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UPDATE through IN(..) behaviour
Hello, I once had an UPDATE - Statement through IN() like this: /* Update A from join of A, B, C which gives A_Key */ UPDATE A SET ... WHERE A.A_Key IN ( SELECT A.A_Key FROM A INNER JOIN B ON ... INNER JOIN C ON ... ) <<< /* Update A from join of A, B, C which gives A_Key */ Then I... 12 Jan 2010 22:58
Writing to exception logs with in a transaction
When I get an exception with in a stored procedure, I want to write all relative data to some exception log tables in the same database. The problem is often this is in a stored procedure that is part of a sql transaction (not an transaction) and then the transaction rolls back, so does the insert into... 12 Jan 2010 18:35
Find constraint
lol... I see that the first thing I need help with is spelling Jonathan "Jonathan" wrote: Hi, using a migration tool to convert an MS Access database to MS SQL 2005 I have found that tables now have a constraint that I do not require. The constraint is consistently named 'SSMA_CC$...$disallow_zero_le... 12 Jan 2010 16:21
How clone a view
Hi, can anybody tell me, how can I clone a view with dmo or TSQL? Thanks ... 12 Jan 2010 15:14
Export Query into Files of 60k Records
I have a Query that returns a lot of Data and I would like to have it Export to a Text File with No More than 60,000 records in each file. So if my Query contains 200,000 records I would like the Routine to break it up into 4 text files, 60,000 records in 3 files and 20,000 in the fourth. What would be the code for... 12 Jan 2010 10:41
sp_addlinkedserver -- sql server 2000 -- problem
I am trying to link a sql server to another sql server using sp_addlinkedserver. Here is what I am doing but no luck: First I add myself as an sa in the remote server userID='joe' pwd='abc' then I do this in master of the primary server EXEC sp_addlinkedserver @server = 'svrRemote', @srvproduct =... 8 Jan 2010 16:12
Problems with SS2K OPENROWSET accessing a dBase file on W2008
Hi, I've got SQL Server 2000 sitting on W2003. I have a dBase file on a share on W2008. This file was recently moved here from a NAS box. I am trying to run the following command (which ran fine when the file was on the NAS box): SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET('MSDASQL','Driver={Microsoft dBase Driver (*.dbf)}... 16 Jan 2010 06:16
Migrating/Promoting Schemata and Rows
Looking for some tactical thinking related to a task I'll have to accomplish in 1 or a few TSQL scripts. This will have to be a repeatable thing. I have a development database and a production database. The schemata between the two are very similar, the development one has some columns added, some dropped, som... 10 Jan 2010 04:15
How can aspnet get login rights
Hello! I have a web site using ASP.NET that is using the famous Northwind database. If I use suser_sname in my program and use IIS wich is using account ASPNET I get hempc\aspnet. If I use suser_sname and run from within VisualStudio I get the hempc\Tony because that is the account that I use to login to the... 10 Jan 2010 04:15
I have now probably done a very silly thing
Hello! I have now done a very silly thing. I have been playing around to get a better understanding how all this works. I have right click and take properies on the builtin\administrator and then select the server Roles and here I have unchecked the sysadmin. This mean that I can't check this sysadmin fo... 6 Jan 2010 22:10
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