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showing a pdf
Hi i am using coldfusion mx 6.1 i have a query output which i want to show as a printable pdf, i know this is possible using coldfusion 7 can i do this with mx 6.1? ... 25 Aug 2006 18:46
HEX timestamp in AS/400 QHST
Had to do a dummy select to preset the variable types to stop the bad extraction of the timestamps in the 1870s. The microseconds have to be added separately if that much precision is desired. <cfquery name="TNAMES" datasource="x"> select c.sys_tname as file from qsys2.s... 22 Aug 2006 17:23
Data Labels on cfchart
I'm creating a chart with two data series, one plotted as a bar graph, the other a line graph. I want to include the data value at the top of the bar graph, but exclude on the line graph. Documentation says the datalabelstyle attribute of cfchartseries identifies what to use for the series, but it seems to be e... 15 Aug 2006 15:52
Consuming a webservice and attributes
I'm trying to noodle my way thru consuming a webservice and it is not making sense when I'm trying to get attributes from a webservice. Can someone point me in the right direction. I've included what the xml output looks like and my cfinvoke and a cfdump of the invoke return variable. I just don't know how ... 16 Aug 2006 09:59
Reading HTTP Header Variables
We have an application on CF5 that we have put behind a SSL proxy server. We have go everything to work fine except we are running into time were we are unable to read http header variables. Once you log into the SSL side, the request along with header is sent to the cf5 server. We process, and send back to ... 20 Jul 2006 10:40
ASCII to UTF-8 converter?
Is there a ready script/function that will convert ASCII text to UTF-8? ... 11 Apr 2006 12:38
Hi i am using cfreport to generate a pdf, this works fine on my local machine but when uploaded to the server i get this error below, any ideas why this is, or what i need to do to correct this many thanks Attribute validation error for tag CFREPORT. The tag does not allow the attribute(s) FORMAT,QUE... 29 Mar 2006 17:45
Connecting to Excel
This code has worked before. But now it has stopped working: <CFTRY> <!--- If it exists, connect to it ---> <CFOBJECT ACTION="CONNECT" CLASS="Excel.Application" NAME="objExcel" TYPE="COM" <CFCATCH> ... 8 Mar 2006 08:46
mySQL and cftransaction
Does anyone know if cftransaction will work with mySQL 5.0.15? When I force an error in my test code, it is caught but the rollback does not take place. I've never had any issues with Oracle and cftransaction but this is the first time I've tried it with mySQL and I'm thinking its just not supported. <cf... 27 Feb 2006 10:46
CFHTTP with Client Certificate -- Help
I have been racking my brain all day about this problem. I am trying to make a web services call (through any method I can manage) to a server using WSDL. Problem is that I am required to use a client certificate that was provided by the server administrators of the target web service. I can't find any way to... 18 Jan 2006 16:34
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