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Export to Excel (as a REAL excel file)
I've been exporting data to excel for ages now, so I know the drill - build the data as an HTML table or MSOFFICE XML,set the <cfcontent type="application/"> and then output the result. At the moment, I am trying to generate an excel file to import into another application (Microsoft MapPoint, to b... 8 Feb 2007 15:24
cfmail multipart treated as a virus
Hello, I have created a multipart message using cfmail and cfmailpart, there's a text part and an html part that includes inline images. The messages are being caught by our email antivirus (declude). The antivirus message states that the message contains "the [Outlook 'Space Gap' Vulnerability]" The vuln... 2 Feb 2007 20:56
We're getting the dreaded "" error, about 10-15 of them out of 500.000 requests every day to be pretty exact. getpageContext().forward() is not used, so that's not the case either. I suspect it's some kind of throttling/limiting/encoding related, but not sure what it could be really. We ... 2 Feb 2007 04:59
Session variable error...
Hi, I have an issue with session variables. Upon successful login, I set a session variable called USERID in application.cfm. Here is the scenario: I login to my web app and the session variable displays fine. However, if I open a new browser and login as the same user, I don't see the variable anymore, I see... 6 Feb 2007 17:00
Consuming the Gunbroker API
I'm trying to invoke the API of an ebay clone. Its not documented except for the auto generated ASP summary. <cfsavecontent variable="HeaderXML"> <cfoutput> <RequesterCredentials xmlns="GunBrokerAPI_V2"> <DevKey>...special key...</DevKey> <AppKey>...another specia... 1 Feb 2007 02:38
Problem inserting special Hungarian characters intodb
I've created the test db on another MySQL server at another hoster provider changed the DSN and the result is the same: it writes the string into that db with p and q instead of the spec chars. I'm a bit confused now. ... 2 Feb 2007 04:59
Verity Spider - Bad Keys
I'm getting the same thing now with CFMX 7. None of my documents seem to be getting indexed, though they're crawled alright: Summary: vspider (ind002117) Bad key http://localhost:9501/index.cfm. Summary: vspider (ind002117) Bad key http://localhost:9501/qa/index.cfm. I found an explanation, but it doesn't s... 9 Feb 2007 19:20
LDAP password update
I'm trying to provide the ability for our users to change their domain password from our website. The website is located in the DMZ and is not part of the domain. I have sucessfully connected and run several LDAP queries. I can authenticate via ldap and all is well. When I try to change a password I ge... 9 Feb 2007 11:58
Unsupported major.minor version 49.0
Hello, I've created a small java class that imports: java.util.StringTokenizer; java.util.Arrays; When I try to use it in Coldfusion I receive an error: Unsupported major.minor version 49.0. I was thinking that it was caused by wrong compiler - from what I know CF is using version 1.4.2 of java - but mo... 19 Jan 2007 10:34
HI i am using geoLocator with the remote vesion but get this error, any ideas what i need to do? java init failed: net.sf.javainetlocator.InetAddressLocator The error occurred in D:\Websites\thecraxx\InetPub\wwwroot\remoteClasspath_geoLocator.cfc: ... 5 Feb 2007 16:42
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