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Autodiscover issue
Rollup1 for Exchange 2007 SP1 corrects this issue. "Andy David {MVP}" wrote: On Tue, 29 Jan 2008 08:17:05 -0800, Maverick <maverick(a)> wrote: We finally found what broke it. I have tested this and know with 100 percent certainty that setting the msexchangequerybaseDN on... 3 Mar 2008 17:55
Autodiscover issue
I have an NLB CAS setup and have recently run into OOF and AS not working anymore via Outlook 2007. When I do a test-outlookwebservices -id user | fl, all tests come back fine on the CAS servers. However, when I run the autoconfiguration test via Outlook 2007, I fail to connect to the SCP. If find the SCP fi... 29 Jan 2008 11:24
Hi, Why would an email sent via Outlook/Exchange 2007 return this as the address (in this format) the NDR? Even though user claims to enter email address properly? IMCEAMAILTO lhattery+40domain2+2Ecom(a) sender from domain1 recpt. = domain2 What does IMCEAMAILTO mean? Thanks, Mike Bonvie ... 11 Jan 2008 22:14
Outlook hangs indefinitely while downloading the Outlook Address B
Bob, Were you ever able to find a solution for this? I am having the exact same issue. Maybe two heads are better than one if you haven't. Thanks, Ryan "Bob" wrote: Exchange 2007 / Outlook 2007 All clients are hanging when they go to Tools->Send/Receive->Download Address Book. The dia... 8 Jan 2008 14:30
Public folder attachment extractor
Hi All Is there is any scripts or softwares to extract attachements from public folder contents.I am using exchange 2003 servers.the script should not require an outlook installation Regards Salim C A ... 7 Jan 2008 11:10
Unable to move mailboxes from 2003 to 2007
Hi All, I've set up a new exchange server and want to migrate people over to it. When I attempt to do so from either the 2007 server or the 2003 server I get the same error: Error occurred in the step: Preparing mailbox to be moved. Failed to copy basic mailbox information with error: The Microsoft Exchange ... 3 Jan 2008 15:19
E2K7 Send As issue
I am running Exchange Server 2007 (not SP1) on W2K3 R2. I have two domains accepted: and The typical configuration for John Smith is to have smith(a) as his main and default e-mail address, and smith(a) as another non-default e-mail address. When the u... 31 Dec 2007 21:57
Send only as AD User
Hi, this is an Exchange Server 2003 in a AD 2003 environment. I want to ensure that only users in active directory can send via the exchange server. At the moment it is possible to send with adresses "usernotinad(a)" How can I stop this? thx, Shrek ... 30 Dec 2007 17:03
Disconnected Mailbox
I have a problem with my disconnected mailbox in Exchange 2007 when i check there always a message 'the database "Server name\old exchange\Mailbox Database" to be accessed on server Server name is not mounted or is not available' Is there any way i can fix the problem. Thank you. ... 27 Dec 2007 04:44
Want to disable NDR externally, but allow them internally
This is what I want to do. I want to block NDRs from going out to any internet (external) user, but allow them if the emails are from within our organization. Is this possible? On the EMC i have gone to OC -> Hub Transport -> Remote Domains and under the Default domain I have unselected "allow non-delivery rep... 20 Dec 2007 14:12
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