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Sending MSMQ from MFC based code
I use the following code in a CSHARP project where I craete an MSMQ. It works fine if I send messages from another CSHARP project. UDP_Dll_Que = new MessageQueue(".\\Private$\\UDP_Dll_Que"); UDP_Dll_Que.Formatter = new BinaryMessageFormatter(); UDP_Dll_Que.ReceiveCompleted += new ReceiveCompletedEventHandl... 4 Apr 2010 19:19
Create an owner drawn ListBox
Hi everybody, i have a problem creating a owner drawn ListBox. I need a ListBox that accepts graphic icons (.ico) files between the text (e.g. some text [myIcon.ico] more text and then another icon [myIcon.ico] and some text ) So i I am assuming that this is only possible creating a owner drawn ListBox. I... 8 Apr 2010 12:37
Adding images to a checkedListBox
If I understood well, I can add not only text but also objects to a checkedListBox. So i'd like to add an image as item to my checkedListBox. I tried this: checkedListBox1.Items.Add(imageList1.Images[0]), but it adds "System.Drawing.Bitmap" instead of an image. I'm still pretty inexperienced with c#, so who ca... 4 Apr 2010 09:20
Add image from resources to richtextbox
I added an image to the project resources (myImage.bmp) How can i add this image to my richTextBox. Any assistance will be greatly received, Jasmine ... 3 Apr 2010 14:51
Customize object relational mapping
Pl. observe the code snippet: class myclass { } myclass me=new myclass(); Can the object me, be assigned to DataTable and saved to db? Thank you Regards Raj ... 3 Apr 2010 10:25
PGP Decryption
I have encrypted a text file into pgp using Bouncy Castel but now i need to decrypt it. How can i go about reading the text from the pgp file. Thanks in advance. ... 8 Apr 2010 09:30
about encoding UTF-8 and UTF-16
Hi! This character "�" is represented as 241 in UTF-16. The code point of is U+00F1 This is 0xF1 (or 241 decimal) in UTF-16 or UTF-32, and C3 B1 (195 177 decimal) as UTF-8. My first question. When UTF-8 encoding is using 2 bytes is it then common that UTF-16 has zeros in the highorder byte as it is in this ... 4 Apr 2010 00:43
This spanish character string "ñ" cause something that I don't understand
Tony Johansson wrote: Hi! Here I encode the spanish character "�" to UTF-8 which is encoded as a two bytes with the values 195 and 177 which is understandable. As we know a char is a Unicode which is a signed 16-bits integer. Now to my question when I run this program and use the debugger and hover ... 31 Mar 2010 08:45
This spanish character string "�" cause something that I don't understand
Hi! Here I encode the spanish character "�" to UTF-8 which is encoded as a two bytes with the values 195 and 177 which is understandable. As we know a char is a Unicode which is a signed 16-bits integer. Now to my question when I run this program and use the debugger and hover over this ch variabel that is of ... 31 Mar 2010 05:28
FileSystemWatcher and open files
It works fine for MSOffice files like doc,xls etc but it failed on txt, pdf or other extension file. From Posted via Groups ... 31 Mar 2010 02:14
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