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CListCtrl gets NM_CLICK, but not NM_DBLCLK
I have a class derived from CListCtrl, which I've named DbListCtrl. I have an instance of it in a dialog, created in the MFC class/interface designer interface. This allows me to use the Class Wizard on it, but, I also need to be able to create instances dynamically. That is, I have a DbListCtrl in a dialog... 11 Feb 2008 19:31
help , domodal() assert error MFC
Hi Tom thanking you for post... here is my dialog code.. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDeleteJed dialog CDeleteJed::CDeleteJed(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CDialog(CDeleteJed::IDD, pParent) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CDeleteJed) // NOTE: the ClassWizard ... 28 Jan 2008 05:25
MFC , domodal() crashes at VERIFY(RunModalLoop(dwFlags) == m_nModalResult);
Hi all, please help on debug assert error while using domodal(). CDeleteJed d(this); d.DoModal(); when i debug i found assert as followed => VERIFY(RunModalLoop(dwFlags) == m_nModalResult); => ASSERT(ContinueModal()); // pump message, but quit on WM_QUIT if (!AfxPumpMessage()) { AfxP... 22 Jan 2008 07:10
Tab Control without Proprety Page?
Hi All! I need to use Tab Controls. It works in standard way, with Property Pages. But I need to resize the window in runtime with mouse, minimize and maximize window. Property Page does not this because it is derived from CDialog. How to make it? Thanks Happy New Year! ... 6 Jan 2008 17:16
Assertion in afxwin.inl line 24.
Hi Folks, I am getting this strange assertion(Assertion in afxwin1 line 24) in my code after the following call stack. Where Command_Formate is my class derived from Cproperty page. Command_Formate::Command_Formate() : CPropertyPage(Command_Formate::IDD,IDS_NA_TESTTOOL) { } CPropertyPage:... 23 Jan 2008 11:45
CListBoxGetItemDataPtr and dynamic cast
Hello, I am trying to get a pointer stored in a CListBox item. int li_index = m_lineTypesListBox.GetCurSel(); if (LB_ERR == li_index) { return 0; } void* pItem = m_lineTypesListBox.GetItemDataPtr(li_index); QLin* pLin = dynamic_cast<QLin*>(pItem); Getting error C2681: 'void *' : invalid ex... 9 Dec 2007 22:41 missing in Dev. Studio 2008
Hi, CHttpServer and related ISAPI classes missing in new Dev. Studio 2008. Any ideas how to compile our old projects containing such classses? Many thanks, Has ... 9 Dec 2007 22:40
UTF-16 and TextOutW()
Does TextOutW() always use UTF-16 as its basis, or are there some other levels of indirection? How can I tell exactly which UTF-16 characters are represented by a typeface? ... 19 Nov 2007 22:12
Queryinterface then Release fails
Not directly MFC but I couldn't find an appropriate group. I am using the imaging api. and am not too familiar with COM. As I understood it, you must release every resource obtained through Queryinterface. Would someone indicate why the pBasicBitmapOps->Release(); in the code snippet below returns S_FALSE? (t... 10 Nov 2007 07:47
is it possible to use non square icons in CListCtrl's imagelist
Hi, I would like to know if it possible to associate rectangular icon to an imagelist for a CListCtrl or is it mandatory to be square? ... 10 Nov 2007 07:47
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