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managed code and dll
I have a dll with managed code and just one managed class. The other classes use gcroot<> for the managed stuff. I've got it all working but for one member function during linking. public ref class DataSet { size_t size; array< double >^ data; public: DataSet( ) :size( 30 ) { data= gcnew arr... 18 Apr 2010 13:04
CreateProcess( ... ) always on top of my app.
Hi, I am launching an application from my own application using CreateProcess(...). As I do not want my application to 'hang' while the other is running I start a thread that has a nice dialog always on top to indicate to the user that the other app is running. But if the user click on my application it ... 20 Apr 2010 21:55
How do I catch a SHIFT + TAB ? BOOL CMainFrame::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) { if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN){ if(pMsg->wParam == VK_TAB && pMsg->lParam == VK_SHIFT){ //do stuff } return CFrameWnd::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg); } ... 16 Apr 2010 11:44
Synchronizing resource preprocessor definitions and regular definitions
>I've created copies of the relevant resources, and assigned conditions to each of them. I've also added the definitions to "Project Properties->Resources->General->Preprocesor definitions". I need the definitions to be seen by my application code as well, since there are 3 different code paths depending on ... 19 Apr 2010 12:37
Performance Counter in windows vista
Hi, I Have no idea about performance counter in windows vista. Can any one pelase tell me, Is it possible to reset the peformance counter in windows vista by using MFC with ATL?. If it possible means, please explain me. --- frmsrcurl: ... 18 Apr 2010 01:04
Synchronizing resource preprocessor definitions and regular definitions
Hi, I have an MFC app built in VS2005 that has various different resources depending on preprocessor definitions CHOICE_ONE, CHOICE_TWO, or CHOICE_THREE. I've created copies of the relevant resources, and assigned conditions to each of them. I've also added the definitions to "Project Properties->Resources->G... 19 Apr 2010 04:19
where to define unicode
If I decide to define unicode in my MFC app where exactly should I place the define in the include files ? I have read that it should go before you include the windows.h file, but I don't see that in my mfc include files, so either I am missing it or the windows.h file has been included deeper in the mfc generation... 16 Apr 2010 19:34
MQMS versus SQMS
I finally got what you were saying about the reason why Lambda approaching Mu results in an infinite queue length. I thought about it some more and suddenly had an epiphany that you were right, it must be the idle time that would be generated by the exponential distribution of arrivals. I also am leaning to... 14 Apr 2010 21:11
Found a solution
If the .exe file and parameter are run through GetShortPathName(), batch files work with non-ANSI filenames. If 8.3 filename generation is turned off in the OS, GetShortPathName() returns the full non-ANSI filename. For those (hopefully rare) cases, users will need to use the .bat parser. ... 16 Apr 2010 12:52
Problem with GetWindowRect
Hi All, I am trying to create a MFC application with Re-sizable PropertySheet. I have followed the following MSDN article on how to create a re- sizable PropertySheet. But my problem is, it all works well in debug mode. When its in release mode the GetWindowRect or the G... 14 Apr 2010 12:12
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