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Oracle releases AWR report for free
On Fri, 02 Apr 2010 06:51:43 -0700, Mark D Powell wrote: My Norton Security issued a warning that the web site is unsafe! The message closed before I could select the list of reasons why. It's a simple comic depicting an April fool joke. -- ... 3 Apr 2010 13:42
recovery of oracle database
My oracle9i server got currupted and we have recovered data from hard disks. Now I want to reinstall the server on the machine, and install oracle9i server on it. I have got all Data file, control files etc intact. how can I recover the database. ... 1 Apr 2010 19:06
#$%! Metalink is down again!!!
This is useless. Is there anything we can do to compel Oracle Corp. to bring the old version back? Are there any class action lawsuits going on? This is a disaster. If there are any US based class action lawsuits, please let me know. -- ... 31 Mar 2010 13:12
select a where min(b)
I've got a table STEP defined as (a number, b number). It contains these data: A,B 1,1 1,2 1,3 4,3 2,3 2,1 5,0 Now I want to find this value of A where B is at it's minimum. I made up the following SQL: select a from step where b= ( select min(b) from step ) But I suspect there must be... 1 Apr 2010 03:34
2nd Listener
We have internal users connecting via Forms and external users connecting via Oracle Apps Server 10.1. Currently, there's one listener for everything. Would there be any merit in creating a second listener for just the external users? The connection pooling is done via application server, so I see no point ... 30 Mar 2010 19:30
Is there any way to Synchronize 2 databases on Oracle 10gStandard One edition ?
On Sun, 28 Mar 2010 16:39:35 +0200, Frank van Bortel wrote: why change what's working, and still supported? To ask questions on Usenet? -- ... 28 Mar 2010 13:24
Is there any way to Synchronize 2 databases on Oracle 10g Standard One edition ?
Jia Lu wrote: Hi all I want to synchronize 2 databases with oracle 10g R2 standard One edition. How can I do it ?(With old 8i systems we created snapshots ) and is there any better ways in 10g R2? Thank you. Best Lau. Lu Streams. Transportable tablespaces. But -as already mentioned- why cha... 31 Mar 2010 06:31
Hello. One of our online apps uses DBMS_LDAP to authenticate with Active Directory. The DBMS_LDAP is in the database itself, and I was wondering if it would be worthwhile to somehow offload this somewhere else or would the network travel to and from another server negate any benefits. Management in their wisd... 29 Mar 2010 12:27
not getting alert for tablespace usage after the setting tablespace usage metrics
Hi All, I am very much new to grid control. We have set a alert for tablespace usage as 85% and 97%. When the tablespace get full we do not receive any alert. I have done the setting for tablespace usage by following the below steps. Select the Database you like to set this alert for Select link Metrics and ... 2 Apr 2010 18:10
ORA-19804: cannot reclaim nnnnnnnnn bytes disk space from nnnnnnnnnnnnlimit
Op 25-3-2010 12:20, gazzag schreef: On 25 Mar, 11:02, keekee<moongee...(a)> wrote: I have posted on oracle but not oracle.server. I don't meant to have multi posts. I have a windowsXP with Oracle 10g installed and using RMAN backup. I got an error as below, someone set the RMAN backup bef... 27 Mar 2010 09:32
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