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AES problem
Hi, i am trying to encrypt data using AES algoritm I am using the CryptDeriveKey API with CALG_AES_128.But it returns false. last error specifies "Invalid Algorithm specified". It works fine for CALG_DES.but failing for CALG_AES. I am working on windows xp platform. Is AES is not supported om win32??? ... 19 Jun 2008 01:18
writing driver for Miscrosoft Keyboard RT 2300
Hello Everybody, i am using Microsoft keyboard RT2300. It has few hotkeys or some dedicated buttons for opening few applications like (left to right) outlook, home, favourites, play pause media player , volume control (high/low) , mute, my computer, calculator. However out the all the buttons i use only th... 6 May 2008 22:22
Combo box cannot be displayed completely
Hi, I used the following code to insert a combo box into my rebar control. hwndBtn = CreateWindowEx(0, _T("COMBOBOX"), _T("TEST"), WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD | CBS_DROPDOWNLIST , 0, 0, 10, 100, ... 22 Apr 2008 08:56
Post WM_KEYDOWN and ignore Ctrl/Alt/Shift is pressed
When I press CTRL+x, CTRL+ALT+x or CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+x (where x is a number) I want to send a sequence of chars to another application that is not I focus. To send the sequence I user following code: PostMessage(wnd, WM_KEYDOWN, key, 0x1); PostMessage(wnd, WM_KEYUP, key, 0xC0010001); It works perfect when I don’t... 17 Apr 2008 02:48
How to get Motherboard serial number?
How to get Motherboard serial number? I want to use Motherboard serial number for licensing mechanism. I am able to get MAC address of Network Adapter. If user changes the NIC, MAC changes. I want to use some client information which is stable. I prefer to use Motherboard's serial number. anybody knows how t... 18 Apr 2008 08:37
Find out if monitor is off
Hi everyone: I've been directed to this thread from the win32.programmer.kernel with the following question: Is there a way to tell if a computer monitor is off (from a program)? This looks like a trivial task, but I can't seem to find a documented solution from MS. I tried Win32_DesktopMonitor WMI class... 16 Apr 2008 10:49
WIN 2K, VC6 - Where is ULONG_PTR Defined?
Hello Folks: Developing on Win2K, VC6. While I haven't given up on getting VS 2008 working on the XP machine, I do need to get the project moving while I try to figure out what's made a piece of code VS 2008 never touched suddenly stop working. So I've replaced a broken hard drive in my Win2K PC... 10 Apr 2008 11:19
error 14001 and Manifests for Imbecels?
Hello Folks: I replaced Visual C 6.0 with Visual Studio 2008 last week and I've been busy replacing _itoa with _itoa_s, and other similar tasks, in order to get my 100k line application to work with the new development system. I finally got things working, and ran a few tests of the applicaiton. It s... 9 Apr 2008 04:33
C++ For Dummies.
Hi Folks: Developing with VS 2008 Pro. The generous people on this newsgrup have pulled my chestnuts out of the fire many times over the course of several Windows development projects, and I'm always grateful. However, I haven't seen a response to my question about nmake, so it's time to go a d... 3 Apr 2008 19:43
VS 2008 - NMAKE : : macro '$@' is illegal in the context of batchrule '.c.obj'
Hi Folks: As I was fading away in the early hours of the morning, I accidentally posted this to the UI newsgroup, instead of here. Developing with VS 2008. I've used make, on my Unix projects, but I've never gotten more than Ankle deep in it's exotic features. I just identify the target, the de... 10 Apr 2008 22:57
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