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Virtual Mouse + Keyboard
Hey Guys, I'm looking to create a virtual mouse and keyboard that can be used to control an application that is not in the foreground. If possible I would like to control these virtual devices in C#, but im guessing they need to be written in c++? I am by no means asking to be spoon fed the answers but im rath... 23 Sep 2009 15:34
Using IMAPI2 from Visual Basic 6
Hi, I hope it's okay to post questions related to OLE and VB6 here. It's a bit difficult to find appropriate newsgroups that are not dead yet. I'm trying to use IMAPI2 (Image Mastering API) from VB6. I've ported imapi2.idl and imapi2fs.idl from the Windows SDK to ODL and created a typelib which I use in the VB... 23 Sep 2009 13:16
ReBar problem...
I can't see anything when run the Rebar example of MS-SDK (just see the menu only and nothing else) Because of that I write a simple rebar but I can't see anything too All those function is take from Windows SDK // take from HWND CreateSimpleToolbar(HWND hWndParent) { // Define some constants. const int Im... 23 Sep 2009 13:16
Get a HANDLE on Internet Explorer
What are the preferred API's for checking if Internet Explorer is currently running and for getting a "HANDLE" to the IE explorer application??? I just want to obtain a handle to the IE app so I can play with sending messages to the actual IE application. Thank you! ... 21 Sep 2009 09:59
PostMessage and the message loop
Hello, I have this function call PostMessage(pDisp->DisplayCommand->MainWidget, PM_OBJECT, SHOW_INSTANCE, 0L); as far as I know the message loop should "catch" the "SHOW_INSTANCE" message. For some reason it doesn't catch it. any ideas why? ehsan P.S. I previously had sent a message to the mfc group abo... 18 Sep 2009 04:26
What is really the format of the RT_FONTDIR, FontDir resource?
Hi, I am working on - I wrote r/w support for just about everything (RT_VERSION, RT_CURSOR, RT_ICON, RT_BITMAP, RT_DIALOG, RT_MANIFEST, etc.), but I am struggling with RT_FONT and RT_FONTDIR. - I can rename a .fon into an .exe and copy-paste a FontDir into a PE executable, that... 15 Sep 2009 12:22
XP bug: waveInGetPosition / waveOutGetPosition wrap at 2^27 or 2^28 samples
This is to report a bug in waveInGetPosition and waveOutGetPosition, which appears in all 32-bit versions of XP. ( XP-64 not tested.) It does not appear in Vista nor in Win95. Other versions of Windows have not been tested. The bug has to do with the way the sample count wraps. Assume you have defined an MMTIM... 18 Sep 2009 15:37
DirectX SDK error in C++ program
I am trying to turn my current C++ easy game to a bitmap game using DirectX SDK august 2009. I get everything to come out good but I have 1 error and I can't figure it out. I was told to come here for help. I will post the error. Also not that I put in #pragma comment (lib, "d3d9.lib"). so I got rid of one of 2 err... 11 Sep 2009 21:49
How to calculate a process time to seconds:milliseconds in C
Hi, I am currently learning C using VS 2005 at a local college and we have an assignment that requires me to print a start time (for a sort function of 100,000 records), a finish time and the time (in seconds:milliseconds) taken to complete the sort. The output should be: Bubble Sort Started 15:52:34.791 ` ... 11 Sep 2009 13:58
Signing a File!
Hi All, I have a utility library which can generate a digital signature of a buffer passed to it. Now, I want to write code to sign a file. I can read the file and pass the buffer to the utility for obtaining the sign. But, how do I update the signature in the file itself so that Microsoft Windows Authenticod... 10 Sep 2009 09:06
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