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Freezes when Search for Files and Folders stops
On my XP Thinkpad, several years old, 'Search for Files and Folders' works fine until it stops, either by a STOP command or just finishing. At the the stopping point, the screen freezes, although I can still move the cursor. I have to use Task Manager to shut down Non-Responding Search for Files and Folders. Th... 18 Jan 2010 09:46
"My Computer" slow opening
I have reviewed the posting on this site and nothing seems to help. I get the general "folder with flashlight" for 3-4 minutes. Here's my recent event log postings: The server {A1F4E726-8CF1-11D1-BF92-0060081ED811} did not register with DCOM within the required timeout. I've cleaned up all that I can think ... 18 Jan 2010 08:39
Admin password question and more
My son gave me his old laptop running WinXP Pro. On power on it comes up with the logon screen for two users: Abe and Abe Administrator. Abe Administrator needs a password. My son doesn't remember the password and original cd's are gone as he moved several times. A. How can I recover the Administrator password? ... 17 Jan 2010 18:26
lost icons after defrag
A friend has lost the desktop icons after a defrag. Can you help please. oldzac. ... 16 Jan 2010 19:27
Gerry's suggestion of going to was just what the Dr. ordered. Today was the first time I have ever been to this site, now I'm a member. People helping people just for the sake of mankind. I absolutely love to help others and get the sa... 15 Jan 2010 22:45
Recieving System Error - Blue Screen
Hi, I'm new on here and fairly poorly skilled with comps. I'm having a very similar problem with XP SP2, how can i do a DDR fix? I think that might do the trick Thanks Simmo "Slice" wrote: Ram; it is Tuesday and the machine has operated without a bump! The DDR fix was the answer - Thanks again for p... 14 Jan 2010 19:13
update from ms, and then all of my pers files and some of myprog
---> My computer just downloaded an update from microsoft, and now all my personal files are gone, and some of my programs uninstalled, and my email settings, with all my emails, are gone. What is microsoft doing? Are they intentionally sabotaging computers with anything other than windows 7? I have no mone... 13 Jan 2010 23:19
update from ms, and then all of my pers files and some of my prog
My computer just downloaded an update from microsoft, and now all my personal files are gone, and some of my programs uninstalled, and my email settings, with all my emails, are gone. What is microsoft doing? Are they intentionally sabotaging computers with anything other than windows 7? I have no money, no job... 16 Jan 2010 04:07
Problem performance Win XP and Outlook 2003
I've got a client demo tomorrow morning out of town and my problem is my laptop system has gotten progressively slower and slower. I did a defrag maybe 2-3 months ago and that didn't seem to help. It just seems to more and more just crawl-very long times to open and close apps.(Win XP Pro SP2, Intel 1.86 Ghz pr... 14 Jan 2010 02:33
right click search problems
Hello, today i turned on my laptop and when to right click on a folder and search and found this fun error. this file does not have a program associated with it for preforming this action. create an association in the folder options control panel. stats xp pro sp3 ... 14 Jan 2010 22:31
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