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requires elevation?
I get a pop up window stating that "The requested operation requires elevation" when I try to preview a site using Firefox. I have been unable to find any info on this in the help file or online, is someone able to tell me what I am doing wrong? If I preview using IE it shows up fine. Thanks in advance, D... 19 Dec 2007 22:37
Dreamweaver Layout Mode
Hi Krista, Could you provide a link or paste the code for the whole page? It's hard to tell from the snippet. It could be default margins for the <p> tags that are causing the space, or an issue with the col/row spans. Might even be something as simple as invalid code, for example in the snippet there's no ... 10 Dec 2007 01:25
Error Message : regarding designer.xml
When I try to use Dreamweaver CS3 I get a box which states "The following panel layout is missing or could not be read: C://program files/adobe/adobe dreamweaver cs3/configuration/workspace/designer.xml The application will not have a correct layout. Please load one from windows ->workspace layout." ... 10 Dec 2007 01:24
Exception win32 not handled
When i open one file ASP appears this error message "Eccezione win32 non gestita in Dreamweaver.exe [2108]" After when i run Debug appear this error message "Exception 0x00adb777 occurred" when i close the pop-up window dreamweaver CS3 program shut-down. Thanks to everybody Mokina ... 10 Dec 2007 01:23
Ignoring Quickdraw.....
Greetings! I noticed my Log database is getting hammered with the following message: 11/27/07 11:13:34 PM [0x0-0x3a03a].com.adobe.dreamweaver-9.0[485] Ignoring Quickdraw drawing between QDBeginCGContext and QDEndCGContext This is repeated literally thousands of times <gulp>. I am running on a Dual 2.7... 6 Jan 2008 13:23
New pages made From Template messed up!
Hello, I have made a template that is not yet finished... I decided to test it out, but when I make new pages from it, the formatting is messed up (in any new pages that I create from the template). This of course is happening prior to uploading to the pages... (I need to make many different pages from the ... 4 Jan 2008 10:37
XML parsing fatal error - lost all site information
After restarting I tried to launch Dreamweaver and got the following message: XML parsing fatal error: Invalid document structure, line: 1, file: /Users/liz/Library/Applicaation Support/Macromedia/Dreamweaver 8/Configuration/panelset.xml Dreamweaver will open but all my sites are gone. This is really bad b... 15 Nov 2007 05:29
Using Dreamweaver MX in Vista
Hey there my name is John I am currently a Web Designer and I use Dreamweaver for Web Site Creating and I am having a problem on creating a web photo album. An error message keeps occurring: Create Web Photo Album did not finish. Either an error occured or the command was cancelled. Any Help you can give is... 13 Nov 2007 21:35
Dreamweaver CS3 / Insert flash video error
When I try to inset a flash video, I get the following error twice; While Executing onClick in FlashVideo.htm, the following Javascript error(s) occured: At line 621 of file "C:\.........FlashVideo.js"; setSelectedNode: Argument number 1 is invalid (note: elipses added to shorten path string) ... 10 Nov 2007 09:05
How do I add a spry Collapsible Panel Group?
How do you add a spry Collapsible Panel Group? When I go to the Insert -> Spry there is only a Spry Collapsible Panel option, not group. Do I have to download an update? Is there something wrong with my install? I appreciate any help. ... 10 Nov 2007 09:04
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