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Transport rule Fails with "The specific recipient is invalid Parameter namd: Address" on know good address
On Apr 9, 5:35 pm, "Rich Matheisen [MVP]" <richn...(a)> wrote: On Fri, 9 Apr 2010 16:23:30 -0700 (PDT), baron1211 <res0e...(a)> wrote: I found a post about using transport rules to control the direction of mail to specific address.  I have found alot if informat... 14 Apr 2010 13:20
MSExchangeFBPublish Schedule+FreeBusy error
I have two CCR mailbox server clusters in my Exchange 2007 SP1 environment. The Public Folder database was created on one of my CCR mailbox servers and I wanted it created on the other. I create a new public folder database on CCR Cluster2 and replicated all the information to the database and then retired the... 13 Apr 2010 16:13
Email Address Policies NOT Firing Automatically
Is the description below by design or is something else going on? We are in a LAB setting running in Exchange 2003/2007 mixed mode, have a single AD2003 DC in native mode, and we have two email policies; CONTACTS & DEFAULT. The email stamping policies have been converted from RUS to EAP. Depending on the ser... 13 Apr 2010 15:06
Exchange documentation contradiction - RUS
Hi all, In the MSExchange blog here they very clearly say that the RUS is gone. Yet in article referenced in the Rollup 3 fixes, they clearly DO talk about a RUS. Please, does the RUS exist or not in E... 14 Apr 2010 08:47
Exchange 2007 Standard Storage size
Hi All. I would like someone if possible to end some confussion I have. I assume that there is a database limit of 75Gb. Now is that the EACH user size or the overall database in the storage group size. I ask this as I read an article from TechNet called "Exchange Server 2007 Editions and Client Access Licenses... 13 Apr 2010 10:36
Exchange 2003: Force distribution list to send out emails fromdistribution list address?
Hi As mentioned in there any way to force distribution list to send out e-mails from distribution list address "on behalf" user email. (like for example googlegroups is working atm). We are having problems with few lists that has external members in it because "externalserver" is denying " 13 Apr 2010 05:06
Exchange 2010 Calendar Permissions Inconsistant on Outlook 2003
Hello, We have recently migrated an exchange 2003 network to exchange 2010. Our process took a few weeks and essentially we followed steps similar to this article: This network has perhaps 80 users; 20 users have access to about 30 other user's calendars, their... 22 Apr 2010 13:29
Can't find existing users!
Having a little problem in Exchange Management Console. When I try to create a new mailbox for an existing user, I cannot find the user! Not sure if this has anything to do with it or not, but when I open the window to select the existing user, I get a message saying "The number of objects found exceeds the ... 12 Apr 2010 20:23
Exchange 2007 - Preventing 'Out of office' for some extern recipie
Hi All Exchange newbie, please take it easy :-) We originally used Dist Groups to handle mail forwarded from various domain names we own. The domain host is configured to forward onto our Exchange server and then onward to internal staff using Distribution Groups. However users do NOT want to disable Out ... 16 Apr 2010 07:17
Exchange 2010 Std Setup: Cannot find the file "".
I'm trying to upgrade my lab to Exchange 2010 by setting up a new server, then migrating over the mailboxes. Unfortunately, I get stuck pretty early in the process - in setp 4, setup copies a bunch of files to the windowstemp directory, then launches another task, which aborts immediately with the error in quest... 12 Apr 2010 10:19
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