From: hutch-- on

You live under the misconception that I care what you think when in
fact I don't. I have had parasites asking for closed source code for
years because they were too phuking lazy to write their own code and I
have responded in the negative (if at all) every time as I owe nothing
to the open sauce movement.

> So there is no reason why you make your code closed source. And
> when you are asked to show us the source you refuse to do so even
> when you don't have any reason for this.

Of course I have a reason, I simply could not be bothered pissing work
against the wall on parasites who should write their own code and that
is a sufficient reason.

> Sorry, why are you posting at all here.

Not because I need any help from you or the open sauce movement.

> Isn't the purpose of news groups to discuss and help
> each other.

With ALA you are suffering delusions, it has never been useful in
programming terms since I first had to come here to shut Betov up.

> In the last post I didn't ask you for the source, but for the
> reason why you don't show us the source.

I actually publish far more source code than you have ever done but it
is code I choose to publish, not code that I am beholding to publish
due to any debt to the open sauce movement.

> us a logical reason, then this wouldn't be an argument for but
> against the open source movement. So, if you don't like the
> the "open sauce movement", give us your argument.

While I have no obligation to respond to your question as I am not
beholding in any way whatsoever to the open sauce movement, I tend to
see it in these terms. Open source made Linux possible as a free and
open source code operating system which addressed a demand from back
in the early 90s onwards. Many in fact have contributed to both Linux
and freeware that runs under Linux through an open source licence but
the shift from contributory open source to parasites and bludgers
trying to get some leverage on closed source code was never going to
get off the ground.

Apart from OS level Linux code and a small number of very well written
applications and components for Linux, a large amount of open sauce
code is trash that is poorly written mediocre code and the fundamental
open source architecture of open ended projects that never get written
properly will tend to keep it that way.

Now les you think that i have taken your argument seriously, don't
suffer that delusion, I don't give a flying phuk what you think as it
effects nothing.

From: Betov on
japheth <mail(a)> �crivait news:1191572504.903453.15270@

>> For what i know, these infos
>> should be found in the Registry
> Yes
> comview is slighly more than just a "COM" object lister. This is
> inevitably going to be some "advertisement", but comview also has a
> full activex container implemented. An example: if you own MS Excel,
> just drag&drop an excel sheel (a .XLS file) to the comview window. The
> sheet will be displayed inside comview, and you can (by selecting the
> "options/properties" menu) "walk" through the object tree exposed by
> Excel and execute any methods or change properties.

OK, but what we can see, in the ListBox, in normal mode,
is it 100% recovered from the Registry?

Again, - even if it may seem like hearing too much notes
in Mozart music - i fail understanding why recovering
Registry Infos would take that much work, bytes, and

As i told you, i never took any look at COM stuff, but we
have implemented a GUIDs stuff in RosAsm (without collector),
and it was nothing comparable (one week, 10 pages).


< >

From: Betov on
//\\\\o//\\\\annabee <w(a)w.w.w> �crivait

> If you have the stumack for
> circumventing the bugs, (which I belive you must have after the
> mountain of asm code you just posted) you will have the time of your
> life using an assembler like this.


Are you getting crazy, Half?

When a guy uses something like MASM, why do you think he does it?

There *must* be a valid reason. In the beginning, this was because
there was nothing else, mainly. But nowadays, they have FASM, RosAsm,
GoAsm, NASM... So what?

They use it *because* it is *MicroSoft*. Nothing else. And when guys
do such an incredible choice, this is exclusively a political Right-
Wing decision. Well... let them pay the effective price, but do not
expect them to ever change.



< >

From: Herbert Kleebauer on
hutch-- wrote:

> I actually publish far more source code than you have ever done but it
> is code I choose to publish, not code that I am beholding to publish
> due to any debt to the open sauce movement.

Can you give me a link to this source code?
From: Betov on
"Rod Pemberton" <do_not_have(a)nowhere.cmm> �crivait news:fe4tf1$1sq$1

> I don't use your "product," Betov's, or Randall's. I don't even use
> Herbert's, Wolfgang's, or Japheth's although I have admired some of their
> work.

Just curious: What do you use?


< >

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