From: Eeyore on

George's ProSound Company wrote:

> I just want him to grow the balls to send the lawyers he promised me years
> ago

Misrepresentation of the facts as usual.

However I do now have an excellent solicitor working on another matter for me.
He's also a barrister (the guys who present cases at the higher courts). I'm not
sure we could have you easily extradited though.


From: Eeyore on

hank alrich wrote:

> Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
> > Phildo wrote:
> >
> > > We know plenty of people in common.
> >
> > I doubt it.
> >
> > > For a start some of my relatives run a pub very close to yours.
> >
> > There's none very close and of those that are the nearest, I cannot think of
> > any I use even irregularly. Plus you won't see me drunk in a pub except maybe
> > at holiday times or after a 'lock-in'.
> What style of Victoria's Secret panties do you two share?

I think I sort of get that one but in my case I prefer M&S if I have to wear
any. ;~)

Ever heard of the phrase 'going commando' at least that's what the girls call it.


From: liquidator on

"Ron(UK)" <ron(a)> wrote in message
> Eeyore wrote:
> >
> > George's ProSound Company wrote:
> >
> >> Here ya go you useless turd
> >> Eyeore, Graham someoneoranother has BRAGGED on
> >> about STEALING qsc's mechanical design for chassis construction while
it was
> >> under valid patent
> >> by his own admission he is a industrial thief.
> >
> > Pardon ? I borrowed one tiny aspect of their lid construction. Not even
in full,
> > it just gave me a similar design idea.
> >
> > I suppose next you'll be saying I'm an industrial thief for copying the
idea of
> > using screws to hold it on ?
> >
> > Stick to what you know you're talking about George.
> >
> > Oh and what about Behringer copying ? Accepted in a UK court. That's OK
is it ?
> >
> OH Gawd! we're not going down that road again are we?

Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.

From: Eeyore on

Phildo wrote:

> "Eeyore" <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote in message
> >> For a start some of my relatives run a pub very close to yours.
> >
> > There's none very close and of those that are the nearest, I cannot think
> > of any I use even irregularly. Plus you won't see me drunk in a pub except
> > maybe at holiday times or after a 'lock-in'.
> Yes but publicans all know one another.

Yes, which is why I'm going to be asking Sam about it.

> Also, you seem to forget you work in one.

I work *for* one sometimes. Not *in* one, although I do have access to most of
the premises when required.

And as for very close, how many metres would that be ? The only one that's even
remotely close that I've ever regularly used which is the Beehive and that's
both had numerous changes of management and I haven't been there in ages.
Futhermore I've never been drunk there. Rarely ever had more than a pint in fact
(except on lazy sunny summer afternoons when I'd usually alternate a beer with a


From: Eeyore on

Phildo wrote:

> "Ron(UK)" <ron(a)> wrote
> > In that case, "He`s not the Messiah... He`s a very naughty boy!"
> He's a naughty boy because he promised to set lawyers on to George and
> myself

Never did. But it's getting tempting again at least for you.


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