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Is limited to evaluation only?! That's what the splash screen says ... ... 26 May 2010 13:36
CComQIPtr and XML question
Hi all! On VC6 this code worked perfectly: MSXML::IXMLDOMDocumentPtr CXMLDocItem::GetXMLNode() { CComQIPtr<MSXML::IXMLDOMDocument> docPtr = CXMLItem::GetXMLNode(); return docPtr; } It is a part of Expat XML wrapping library. But, on VS2008 it gives me the following error: error C2664: '_com_ptr_t<_... 27 May 2010 08:10
CAsyncSocket: sender-ip / sender-mac-addr?
Hi, is it possible to get some more information (in the OnReceive-method) about a received ethernet packet (for example; the ip-addr and / or mac addr from the sender)? I`m using casyncsocket; a udp-listener (at a specific port) best regards Bernd ... 28 May 2010 21:27
Bitmap dialogs
Seetharam schrieb: Did you consider owner drawn buttons? Yeah, but I'm not much of an artist. That would look worse than before ;) Hans ... 29 May 2010 11:23
The old "Component Gallery"
From VC6, where has it gone? I havent't found anything like that in VS 2005. I dont mean the COM objects. Hans ... 27 May 2010 07:05
Catch HTML file drops
I would like to prevent my HTML view from changing when a user drags another html file onto my HTML view. Currently, it navigates to any new file dragged onto my view. Can anyone tell the 'correct' operation to override to change this 'file drop' behaviour? I can catch the new navigation in my OnBeforeNavigate... 24 May 2010 22:22
Bitmap als Dialoghintergrund
Im Prinzip kein Problem, nur einen kleinen Sch�nheitsfehler gibt es. Unter XP und Vista haben die Dialog Buttons abgerundete Ecken, der Hintergrund clippt aber auf scharfe Ecken. Dadurch bleiben immer ein paar wei�e Flecken an den Ecken stehen, das sieht unsch�n aus. Gibt es da eine Abhilfe? Umgebung ist VC8. Ha... 24 May 2010 12:22
Message handling in class
In my dialog class SmthDlg I have CTreeCtrl Tree; Also I have an instance of my own class FileSystemParser fps. I want this: ON_NOTIFY(TVN_ITEMEXPANDING, IDC_TREE, fps::OnItemexpandingTree) So, I want that message to be processed by my class's method. How do I make that possible? ... 24 May 2010 07:58
Explorer style app
Hi All, I need your advice please: I almost have no experience in doc\view applications. I would like to build an explorer-like mfc application. For that I used the app wizard. I created an SDI application (hope it is the right choice), with a form view as the right view. My difficulty is in knowing ... 24 May 2010 15:44
calling IEIsProtectedModeProcess
Hi, As I don't know where to post for C# and although this is related to VC++ also.. so i m posting here OR plz let me know the place C#. I am trying to call IEIsProtectedModeProcess() from a C# BHO. So I have done this: [DllImport("ieframe.dll")] public static extern int IEGetWriteableFolderPath(r... 23 May 2010 12:29
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